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When I got into Chris's car, Andrew was already in the passenger seat with a small suitcase full of cash and a fresh set of papers for Jen to sign. Since Andrew is also a notary, he can notarize Jen's signature and we can get the papers to Charlie's lawyer without delay.

"Did you bring your stamps?" I asked Andrew.

"Yes ma'am, got my seal, got my stamp and my fancy new pen."

We rolled up to Jen's shop; she's a florist in the city. Andrew and Chris both got out with me and followed me to the door. They're both looking sharp dressed in suits, it'll hopefully make me seem more intimidating, not that I really need anyone's help with that when the bitch switch is flipped.

We enter the shop and I see a woman with short red and similar features to Deborah behind the counter. She eyes us a little cautiously as we approach.

"Good morning, may I help you?"

I take off my sunglasses and smile, "Hello Jen, I'm actually here to help you."

"Do I know you?"

"It's possible. My name is Melissa V. Martin, and I'm currently engaged to Charles Knight," she goes to speak but I cut her off, "There's really no need, I know what it is you want from him."

Jen looks away and sighs, shaking her head, "It was an honest mistake-"

"But now that you know you want to profit from it."

"It's not like that, the funeral...I had no help, from anybody."

"Don't get me wrong Jen, you're an opportunist, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with taking advantage of an opportunity when one presents itself especially if you're in need, however, this isn't good for Archie, and it's hurting my man, so I have a proposition for you."

Andrew hands me the paperwork and I slide it over to her as he places the small suitcase of cash onto the counter.

"Andrew here is a notary, if you can show him your ID and sign these papers that will relinquish your rights over Archie, I will give you seventeen grand."

Jen's brows knit, "Seventeen grand? I thought you were a billionaire or something."

"I am, I'm also someone that knows the rules and how to play by them. I am making you a onetime cash gift, in this state, this year, the maximum amount I can offer you is $17,000, no questions asked. If I offer you any more than that the IRS gets involved, and the IRS they like to ask questions. Questions like: why did Melissa Martin, or perhaps a Charles Knight send you a large sum of money right when we needed some papers signed?"

I watch her thinking; I know I have her. Any large sum is traceable and would be evidence of blackmail. Evidence gets Jen into trouble, this is a clean way to tie this loose end, legally.

Andrew holds out a pen for Jen to use. When she goes to take it he retracts it, "I need to see your ID," he adds.

Jen takes her wallet from out of the counter and gives Andrew her driver's license. He took a photo of it on his phone.

"Happy?" Jen asks.

Andrew hands her back her ID, "Yes ma'am," he gives her the pen and points to all the places she has to sign. I watch as Andrew notarizes both signatures and just like that, the hiccup is cured.

I slide the little suitcase closer to Jen as Andrew takes the papers and puts them into a folder for safe keeping, "I'm sorry for your loss." As I go to leave, I notice some pink peonies, "Oh, and I'll take a bunch of these.

I had Chris drive Andrew straight to Charlie's lawyers' office with the papers. Hopefully with these they can get the adoption finalized asap.

I got a cab to Brenda's office and dropped the flowers on her desk, "Oh wow, they're gorgeous. What's the occasion?"

I sit across from her desk, "You are best of all besties, I should pave the paths you walk on with gold."

"Oh you," she waves me off and bats her eyes at me. Brenda calls her assistant into the office to grab a vase for the flowers before pulling a folder out and handing it to me, "This is for the opening event."

"Daymn gurl! You sure don't waste any time." I look through the folder at all the inspiration images for a location, theme and gift bags Brenda's team put together, "Wow, you really nailed it. Working hard."

Brenda's assistant brings in a vase full of water and leaves as Brenda starts to arrange the flowers, "And you? Hardly working I suppose now that daddy's cut you lose."

I look over the folder at her, "Jeeze, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed?"

Brenda drops into her chair and pouts, "Someone hasn't been laid in months," she drops her face in her hands and groans.

I chuckle, "Living with your best friend probably doesn't help in that department."

"Seeing you and Charlie going all goo-goo for one another made me sick at first until I realized I was just jelly of what you had," she pouts, "I want a hottie billionaire to sweep me off my feet."

I shrug, "Maybe Charlie will invite some eligible bachelors to the wedding, and you can take your pick."

Brenda's eyes widen, "Ooh, good idea."

"Just do me a favor and drop the billionaire bit from your list, trust me, you don't need those kinds of problems in your life. I just had to pay off Charlie's exes' sister to sign papers so he can adopt Charlie."

"Oh snap, did she do it."

"Of course." I do my best Godfather impersonation, "I made her an offer she couldn't refuse."

I took Brenda out for lunch and met up with Andrew at my office afterwards to go through some final financial documents before he went to go take them to Cindy. I knew Charlie had his afternoon full with the visit from CPS so I stayed clear until it was safe to go see him. When I finally made it over to his place, I found him already sleeping on the couch looking mighty cute and peaceful. I may have just sat on the floor watching him sleep for way too long to be considered healthy before kissing him. I checked on Archie before I left.

I hope tomorrow it's all good news, I don't think Charlie could stand losing him. He adapted to him so quickly to a new life after taking him in, it inspires nothing but respect. Definitely a keeper.

The "Stylist" | Book I in a Series of Mistaken IdentitiesWhere stories live. Discover now