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I never saw anyone pack so much pickled ginger onto their sushi the way Melissa did. It's basically ginger with a bit of sushi.

We're at the sushi train sitting right at the conveyor belt with Archie in between us. I watch Mel use her chopsticks like a pro as she helps Archie take a big bite of his nigiri, "You're pretty good with those things."

Melissa's eyes look up at me a little confused until she realizes what I'm talking about, "I spent a lot of time in Sydney."

"How does that translate to chopstick skills?"

"There's a pretty massive Asian community there, and the food is super authentic. Much better than Europe, it's like they take all the flavor out on purpose. The only place worth going is Dusseldorf," Mel stuffs a big piece into her mouth.

"Why Dusseldorf?"

"It has the largest Asian community in Europe," she covers her mouth as she speaks with her mouth full. Normally it's a turn off but everything she does I adorable.

Knowing she's enjoying her food makes me smile, "And how is it you know all this?"

"I love good food. If it means driving 5 and a half hours from Berlin to Dusseldorf for a decent bowl of ramen, then I'm driving five and a half hours for a bowl of ramen."

This woman is full of surprises and I can't help but laugh, "You ever tried Korean food?"

"Does Korean barbecue count?"

"Yeah, but I think I'll have to cook for you sometime. I also make a mean ramen."

"After seeing the contents of your fridge I can't imagine you cooking anything other than chicken and vegetables."

"The idea of you having unlimited access to my apartment is terrifying. Where else did you snoop?"

"Your closet mainly. I think you might have a problem. The amount of money you've spent on clothing is purely astounding."

"This coming from the woman who gave my sister a handbag worth half a million dollars," Archie looks up at Mel, and then at me. Then back to Mel.

Archie shakes his head. "Girls are nuts."

"Right?" I look over at Mel who just smiles and stuffs her mouth with more ginger, "I'm going to pay you for that bag by the way."

"Don't worry about it."

"I can't have you being out of pocket like that."

"I appreciate that, but my father gave me that bag when I found out he was cheating on my mom. It didn't exactly make me think nice thoughts about him every time I saw it in my closet. Really, don't worry about it, I'm happy that Laurie's happy." I can see why she'd be glad to be rid of it. Watching her parents go through something like that, and then catching me with Debbie must have rehashed old wounds. Then again Mel did say they were in an open relationship now. It's likely her parents kept her in the dark about the reality of their relationship.

"Is everything between you and your parents amicable now?"

Mel sniggers, "Somewhat," Mel sips at her sake, "I guess I just never really realized that my parents are just normal people with average, everyday problems. Turns out having money doesn't make you immune to any of the shit life throws at you." Mel's eyes dart at Archie who seems too absorbed in making a tower out of his sushi to notice her swearing, "but it helps in the clean up, of said poop."

"That's a terrific visual."

"Glad you like it," she chuckles while pouring another little cup of sake.

By the time we're getting into the car, Mel's happily humming to herself. I make sure Archie is safely buckled into his seat, "I'm going to have a short chat with Mel for a minute. You okay to sit in here for a bit?"

Archie holds up his toy car and makes engine noises. He'll be fine. I close the door and almost bump into Mel who opens the passenger door to get in.

"Mel," she stops and quickly turns around, almost flustered by my addressing her.

I hold the door open with one arm and lean the other on the roof of the car trapping her in. The second our eyes lock I forget what I wanted to say, "What's up?" Her eyes scan mine as I try to remember myself, "You okay?"

"Yeah, sorry, I just ah..." she smirks and bites her lip, "You need to stop doing that," her smile drives me even more insane. "Mel," I hang my head and look at our feet in the hopes looking away from her will get me to focus. No one's ever had this effect on me and I shake my head at the realization I'm falling for her harder than anyone before. "Mel, I know I fucked up. I made an accusation that I now know to be false, you deserved better, and you certainly didn't deserve to walk in on..." I let out a long breath, unable to finish the sentence. I look at Mel and just get it out, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Maybe the timing isn't right, but it couldn't wait, "Okay."

"You OK?" My hand moves on its own and I brush my fingers through her hair.

"Just give me a second, too much sake." Mel taps her lips as she pretends to think, "Just so we're both on the same page here since we're on speaking terms now, you should know that I'm not going to play nice regarding Harlem."

The way her eyes flash with danger, it's like a dagger in the dark before it plunges into your ribs. It's hot and I can't help but look at her lips as they curl into a smirk. She knows. She knows exactly how much I want to kiss her. God, I just want to get her alone.

I lean in closer, "I'd never want you to play nice on my account."

"And make sure you don't go easy on me just because you want into my panties," she says poking me in the chest.

I laugh a little too loudly, "Mel, I respect you too much to go easy on you."

"Good, but until one of us has Harlem, and the deal is done, you and me, we can't get mixed up. You're too...distracting," her words hit me like a punch in the gut. I straighten up and grumble in displeasure at the idea she's pushing me away. I understand why, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.

"Fine, I'm out. You take it."

Mel smirks, "Where did that respect for me go all of a sudden?"

She's got me right where she wants me; between a rock and a hard place, "Fuck."

"Fuck," Archie repeats from inside the car and we both try not to laugh. I keep watching her, as her smile fades. Mel starts to blush but never looks away.

"I have one condition," I say firmly, "it's not negotiable," I add and her brows raise quizzically, "I don't want you getting involved with anyone else in the meantime."

"That hardly seems fair," I get the feeling she's arguing for the sake of arguing. I step in closer; she's got nowhere to go now but inside the car. I hold her by her waist and I feel her breath hitch. "This condition applies to me also. I don't want to play games with you Mel, and I sure as shit don't share. Deal?"

Mel nods, "Deal."

"Good, get in the damn car." I step back and hold the door open for Mel. I slam it closed a little too hard once she's inside and swear profusely in Japanese on the walk around to the drivers door. It didn't help much, but at least if Archie picks up any words he won't understand them. The entire drive back to my place all I can think about how to get the Harlem project off the table as quickly as possible. Realistically it'll be at least another few weeks, but I fucked things up with Mel once, I can wait. If it's time and space she needs I'll give it to her. This is going to be one frustrating month.

The "Stylist" | Book I in a Series of Mistaken IdentitiesWhere stories live. Discover now