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After Mel left my office, I buried myself in work to drill her out of my mind. It didn't help much, especially knowing her panties were in my fucking pocket. I'm so pent up thanks to her with no release in sight. The gym and shower only help so much. Melissa is officially fucking me on so many levels without actually fucking me, herein lies the dilemma.

I could only wait an hour after she left to call her.

"Hey hot stuff," she answered, "what's up?"

"Other than my cock at the thought of you prancing around New York in a mini while your panties are in my pocket? Nothing much."

Melissa laughs, "Sorry baby, but I'll make it up to you somehow."

"I can think of a few ways."

"I bet you could."

"Come over for dinner tonight, Archie was asking about you."

She gasps, "Using Archie to get into my panties, how could you?"

"You already gave them to me, remember?"

"I can't tonight, Brenda's agency is having an event, I promised her I'd make an appearance. You can tell Archie I'll be there for breakfast tomorrow morning."


Melissa must have dropped her phone again because all I heard was a crashing noise, and her swearing from a distance.

"You still there?" She asks.

"Yes, butterfingers, I'm here. I need to go but you have fun at your even tonight, not too much fun though."

She sniggers, "I will have an appropriate amount of fun."

"Alright, I'll call you tonight."

"M-hm." She's up to something, I can hear her smile while those cogs in her head turn from here but she hangs up before I can say anything else.

It didn't go unnoticed by me that she's called me baby twice today. The first time I was a little clouded by my anger towards my father for trying to pull moves on my girl. It was easier for him to lure Deborah away from me, but it seems my Melissa could handle herself since she went so far as to knee him where it hurts. I'd pay a fortune to see that. Prick. He didn't even consider how this would affect Archie.

When I go to pick him up he immediately starts showing me the things he bought at the farm. He said one of his teachers had helped him after one of the bigger kids tried to take his money, but he came out with a tote bag with all sorts of things.

"What did you pick out for Mel?"

"The jam and the key chain."

"Good choice, maybe she'll let us try the jam when she comes over for breakfast tomorrow."

"This is for you," Archie hands me a strawberry plushie, "you need more hugs, you can hug this when I'm not around."

How is a four-year-old so damned perceptive? I spent the next few minutes pushing back tears as Archie got ready to leave. It's been years since I've had a woman in my life who I could share things with. When I'm with someone I'm also the type to express themselves physically, not just sex but affection, something I've been sorely lacking in my life, and I think it's finally starting to show.

When we made it home Archie said he needed to relax so he watched some TV while I made dinner. He normally likes to help cooking, and Mel even stocked the kitchen with cooking utensils for kids. The farm must have wiped him out because as soon as he ate and took a bath he wanted to go to bed.

I covered him up and sat on the edge of his bed. For a moment I just watched him fiddle with his stuffed cat toy.

"Archie, is there anything I could be doing better to look after you?"

"No, you're good."

"Are you sure?"

"I need new shoes."

I pick up one of his little shoes off the floor, "These getting too tight for you?"


"You know, I'm not very good at shopping, but you know who is?"

Archie smiles, "Your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend booger, not yet, not officially."

"Mom always said to just go for it."

"Did she?"

Archie looks at his stuffed cat, "I miss her."

"As you should, she was your mom, that will never change. You know what, how about this weekend we find some photos of you and your mom and have them printed in a book. You can look at them when you start to miss her or want to see her face."

Archie nods, "Okay."

"Okay," I drop his shoe and get up, "Good night little bro."

"Night big bro," I hear him say as I leave his room.

I am not equipped to handle this amount of cuteness and emotion in one day. What a fucking rollercoaster of a day. I go to take a long hot shower, but halfway through I hear movement in my bedroom.

"Archie? You okay buddy?"

When he doesn't answer I turn off the water, wrap a towel around my waist and go to check on him. When I open the door to my ensuite it's not Archie in my bedroom, but Melissa looking absolutely stunning in a pink sequin dress.

"Damn, keep the key card to my place," I walk over to her, "fuck it, just move in already, because I don't think I can take any more of this waiting."

She smirks as her eyes rake over my bare soapy chest, "Did you want to rinse off before or after I fuck you brainless?"

I feel my brows shoot up, "Is that why you've come?"

"I told you I'd be around for breakfast." Melissa's fingertips glide down my chest, and she slips her finger into my towel, gently pulling me closer, "Plus, after the week you've had I think you need it, and I know how to treat my man."

"Your man?"

She lifts a brow, "Did I stutter?"

I snake my hands around Mel's waist and pull her closer, "And what if your man wants to drive?"

"Are you hijacking my seduction?"

I shake my head, gently brushing the tip of my nose against hers, "I wouldn't dare."

"Didn't think so," Melissa's kiss was fierce. Her arms wrap around my neck as she pulls grinds up against me not caring that I'm still soaking wet.

Melissa did as she promised, and the wait was totally fucking worth it.

The "Stylist" | Book I in a Series of Mistaken IdentitiesWhere stories live. Discover now