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The idea that Valerie is in my office while I'm stuck in this meeting is torture. I didn't want to just run out on everyone, but I didn't want to keep her waiting too long. Who knows what that troublemaker would get up to if left in there unsupervised.

I excuse myself maybe five minutes after spotting those long legs gliding through my office floor and headed into my office.

When I open the door, I can't help but take in the sight that awaits me. Valerie sits in my chair with her feet up on my desk, reading the Forbes magazine with my face splashed on the cover.

I quietly click the door closed and take a breath as she uncrosses her ankles and recrosses them with the other on top.

"I sometimes wonder how I ever got so good," Valerie holds the magazine open and shows me another picture of me from the shoot, it's the one where I'm laughing.

When I finally get to see her face the first thing I see is that lollipop in her mouth and I feel my dick twitch. Shit.

Valerie points to the photo, "I mean just look at this guy. Very fuckable, Brenda's words," she hides behind the magazine and pretends to read, "some of my best work if I do say so myself."

I push my hands into my pockets and try not to look too embarrassed, "It's a shame your boss Cindy got all the credit."

"C'est la vie," Valerie closes the magazine and tosses it on the table. She very deliberately laces her fingers as her eyes lock onto mine, "So, Mr. Knight, have a seat and tell me what it is I can do for you that you cannot do for yourself?"

There's a playful flicker in her eyes and I watch her move the lollipop from one side of her mouth to the other. I groan as I sit down in the guest chair opposite my desk. It's a very different point of view I've not experienced before. "I don't think I've ever sat on this side of the desk before," my eyes roam up Valerie's amazing, toned legs to meet her eyes.

Valerie takes her feet down off my desk and leans forward resting her chin on her hand, "How does that make you feel, Mr. Knight?"

I lean back in the armchair and make myself comfortable, "With you over there I don't mind so much."

I run my finger over my lips the way I do when I'm thinking. Right now, it's more of an effort to keep my ass in this seat. I'm rather enjoying this game Valerie is playing, I want to see where it goes. I will say one thing though, I like her behind my desk, she looks like a badass over there.

Something in Valerie shifts, and suddenly playtime is over. I watch her as she stands up and makes her way around the desk to sit in the armchair next to mine. At least with the desk between us, I was safe from the power of her legs, now I can't help but gawk at them as she crosses them right in front of me.

She knows exactly what she's doing and I'm falling right into whatever trap she's setting up. That smirk on her lips says as much. I lock my eyes onto hers and keep them there, probably the best way to keep myself out of trouble.

"What kind of gift were you looking to get for Laurie?"

"If I knew I wouldn't need your help."

"Right. Okay, well then let's go out and mull it over so I can get to know her better."

"You don't think spending time with Laurie herself would be a better way to get to know her?"

Valerie shakes her head, "If the gift is from you then I need to get to know the version of Laurie that exists in your head."

I say nothing and wait for her to expand. She doesn't. This tactic usually works to get people to continue talking. Usually. "So, what do you suggest?"

She smirks, "We go shopping."

"I thought the whole point of having a personal shopper was so that I didn't have to go shopping."

Valerie smiles, "Just so we're crystal clear Charlie, this is a convoluted ploy to wrangle you out of the office to spend time with you. Alone."

I feel my brows shoot up, "Alone? Alone, in a shopping mall, surrounded by people?"


That's about all the teasing I can take. I lean forward, grab Valerie's seat and quickly yank her closer to me. She lets out a little giggle and I can't help but revel in her blush as she smiles. Her legs uncross as I slide her between mine.

I place each of my hands on Valerie's outer thighs and caress them with my thumbs, "You like to push people's buttons, don't you?"

Valerie leans forward just inches away from my face, "Only when I'm trying to figure them out," Valerie slips a finger under my suspenders and pulls me closer, "You're a walking paradox and I find that fascinating."

The way her lips wrap around her lollipop when I pull it out of her mouth takes me back to the first moment I saw her. I carefully place the lollipop on my desk and turn my attention back to Valerie and those cherry-tinted lips.

I feel her tug on my suspenders and my lips crash into hers. The first touch of her cherry-flavored tongue is enough to drive me insane. I devour her mouth and she ravages mine in return. Her soft plump lips are softer than I ever could have imagined and my brain seems to go on vacation. I slide my hands further up Valerie's thighs guiding her closer as she comes over and straddles me.

"Mr. Knight," she whispers between kisses.

"Charlie," I correct her before pressing her lips harder into mine.

Valerie moans as she grinds up against my already hard cock. I slip my hands under her shorts and grab a handful of that incredible ass.

Valerie pulls away, "Mr. Knight," she places her finger on my lips and moves to stand up, but I hold her firmly in place with my hands still under her shorts.

"Yes, Miss. Banks? Is this a role-play thing?" I try to keep my face straight, "I can't say I have much experience, but I'm down to play if that's what you're into. Are you my new secretary?"

Valerie chuckles, "No, Mr. Knight."

"Charlie," I correct her again, making sure to emphasize my seriousness with a squeeze of her ass.

Valerie sighs and straightens out my bow tie, "There are a few ground rules I think we should set if I'm going to be working for you, and you should probably know Valerie isn't my name. Well, it is, but it's my middle name."

I brush my fingers through Valerie's hair, "When we make love, I'll call out whatever name you want me to, just tell me."

Valerie laughs and shakes her head, "Unbelievable. Firstly, it's Melissa."

"Melissa, I repeat almost trance-like.

"Melissa Valerie Martin, and as I said, if I'm going to be working for you, then we can't be doing this, especially in your office."

"You started it," I let go of Valerie and lace my fingers behind my head, leaning back.

"Ah, what can I say, I got a little carried away," she says scrambling off me and tugging down her shorts.

I don't know what it is about Valerie, but she's one hell of a kisser, and now I've had a taste I want more.

I watch Valerie put on her coat and pick up her bag, "Let's go, big boy," She just stands there, waiting expectantly. This is interesting. By no means am I some kind of control freak, but it's rare I enjoy being bossed around.

"Aw shucks honey, thanks for noticing," I say, picking the lollipop off my desk.

And just like that, I'm going shopping with the future Mrs. Knight.

The "Stylist" | Book I in a Series of Mistaken IdentitiesWhere stories live. Discover now