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My heart is still dancing around in my chest. Charles Knight, the largest real estate mogul on the East Coast and Japan basically just let me have my way with him. He forced my hand more like it.

Little does he know I've known men like him my entire life. He might not have been born into money, but he sure as hell lives that life now, just like the rest of them. The privilege, the power, it goes to their head, makes them control freaks, overly possessive and dominant. Makes for great sex, and not-so-healthy relationships. Been there, done that. No thanks.

My mind says one thing, but my treacherous body is on fucking fire and I'm doing my best to keep it together. He smelled so good, I'd never smelled that cologne before, and when I caught a glimpse of tattoos under his shirt, I wanted to straddle him and ram my tongue down his glorious throat.

I take a moment to myself to hang up his jacket and tie. I look around to make sure no one is looking before taking a little sniff of his jacket. It's like pears, or wait, what is that fragrance? Ok, we've officially entered freak territory.

As I reach out to take the pocket square out of the jacket pocket, I decide against it. I don't know why but something inside of me was screaming to leave it. Maybe if he accidentally took it home, he'd think of me. Or he'd try to find me to give it back.

After my shakedown of Mr. Knight, the vibe on set changed and Mr. Knight turned into Charles. He even started joking along with some of the crew when they looked back on some of the shots.

"I don't know how you did it but you sure as hell removed whatever stick was up his butt," Jimmy whispers.

"Jimmy, you can't say shit like that," I whisper before heading to the coffee machine.

Turns out Cindy got a phone call from her daughter's school and had to duck out for a few minutes. She looked a little unraveled when she came back. The moment her eyes land on Knight she stops in her tracks and her wide eyes lock onto mine, "What the hell happened to him?"

"Oh, Jimmy said something about a stick. I don't know," I shrug, and Cindy looks over at Jimmy who talks to Knight's assistant, Laurie.

Cindy makes her way over to Jimmy and the way she's moving it looks like the stick found a new home. I'm so captivated by the look on Jimmy's face when she approaches him that I don't notice Mr. Sex-on-a-Stick standing right next to me.

"You're playing games," I jump out of my skin and spill coffee on not only myself but on the sex god himself. Let's not kid ourselves, he's probably the best lay I'll never have.

"Jesus, don't sneak up on people like that," without thinking I put my coffee down, pick up a few napkins, grab Knight's wrist, and start drying his arm.

"I did clear my throat," I look up at him questioning his statement, there's no way I missed that.

The way his smoldering eyes glance at my lips makes my breath hitch. I quickly pull my hands away from him not realizing I should probably just let him have cleaned himself up.

He smirks as if noticing my fluster, "Nice catch on the Alexander Finneus thing."

"That's my job," I take his watch off my arm and hold it out for him to take. As he takes it his fingers linger on mine for a moment before he puts it on. Damn, those are some big mitts. For a moment I go into daydream land and recreate that photo of Janet Jackson where those guys' hands cup her breasts from behind, but in this case, it's me and Charlie boy over there.

"Charlie, we need to get moving," Laurie snaps me out of my little fantasy. She looks ready to leave with Knight's jacket draped across her arm.

"Right, I'll take that as my cue to fuck off," Laurie smiles and pats me on the shoulder as I leave them. I like her. She's really funny, but I don't understand why she's working for that robot. Charles Knight has a few facets to his public persona. One thing I discovered is that he's extremely organized and follows his schedule to a fault. I guess you don't get that rich by taking a lot of naps and procrastinating. It's a good thing I was born into money because I fucking love naps. Sleep is definitely one of my top three favorite things to do.

As I start packing up all the accessories, I notice the navy pocket square on the table. A pang of disappointment hits me that he didn't take it, but as I pick it up Knight's business card falls out. I look on the back where there's a cell phone number written on the back in pen. Is that his private number?

I look around, he's already gone. I stare at the card, my heart pounding in my ears as I try to think of why he might have left it. Maybe he needs an expert on pocket squares?

Someone sneaks up behind me and I can't help but jump when Cindy breaks the silence, "Valerie, I need you to take the suits back with you today, I need to go get my daughter."

I let out a deep breath. Why am I so on edge? Probably all the coffee and sugar you junkie.

I nod, "Yeah, sure, I'm on it."

"Are you alright?" I look at Cindy. Wow, she looks genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, I had too much caffeine. I need to eat something other than sugar; it's making me all jittery." I feel my hands trembling as I keep packing the suitcase.

I made it my mission to get out of there in record time.

With Knight's card stuffed into my bra I had a lot to think about on the ride around NYC while returning all the suits and accessories to their respective publicist agencies.

To call, or not to call, that is the question.

The "Stylist" | Book I in a Series of Mistaken IdentitiesWhere stories live. Discover now