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Once I have my sunglasses on, I sneak a peek at Charlie every moment I can as he drives. He's clearly deep in thought about something. Our deal most likely. A necessary evil. I not only need time for this whirlwind to settle, but I also need to avoid any complications with work.

I still need to meet with the architect about the new revisions, get approval from the city for the potential construction and check in with my contractor. I look back at Archie. Poor little guy, his falling into Charlie's life has created so many ripples. I might be back in Charlie's life, but it feels like it's all at this little nugget's expense.

When we arrive back at Charlie's building Chris is already waiting to take me to the airport.

"The airport? Where are you going?" Charlie asks, pulling Archie out of his car seat.

"L.A. for...work," I walk him to the lobby entrance and wait. Looking at them both like this, with Charlie holding Archie like this, makes me see him in a totally new light. Not many guys in his shoes would have fought so hard to take in their ex-fiancé's kid who's also his half-brother. The whole thing is something straight out of The Bold and Beautiful if you ask me.

"Right well," Charlie eyes Archie. I get the feeling he wants to talk more but whatever it is isn't appropriate for Archie to hear, "I'll call you tonight?"

I nod, "Okay. Bye boys, look after each other."

"Bye Mel," Archie waves as I walk towards my car.

As Chris drives away and I watch them disappear into the lobby I get the sinking feeling the fight isn't over for them, but I need to keep my nose out of it. I've already interfered more than I should. Charlie has to prove himself a capable and responsible legal guardian on his own.

I was so deep in my head that when I started boarding the private plane I didn't even notice it was Levi's plane until he came out to say hi once we were in the air.

"You look like you've got a lot on your mind there," Levi sits across from me. I can see Andrew giving him the side eye from across the aisle, "I tried calling you."

"Yeah, I know." I sigh. I lazily examine Levi, he's always looked sexy in his pilot's uniform, and I've always been a sucker for a man in uniform. The number of times we've had sex on this plane with me wearing his hat is beyond count. Now that Levi's sporting some nicely kept facial hair, he's even more irresistible, but resist him I shall. I can't move backward. I refuse. That and Charlie and I made a deal.

"You're back at work for your Arthur?"

"Yep, my social life is about to be, once again, non-existent for the foreseeable future."

"Maybe you should work on finding some sort of balance."

"Oh yeah? You got any advice on how you achieved that balance?"

"Touche," Levi takes a breath, "Do you want to talk about what happened the last time I saw you? What the hell did that Knight asshole do anyway?"

"Knight didn't do anything; it was his mess of an ex-fiancé meddling where she shouldn't have been meddling. You know me, drama, drama."

Levi's piercing eyes linger on mine for a moment before they shift to my lips. I know where his mind is going, "Are you seeing anyone?"

"Not technically, no." I hear Andrew huff as he gets to his feet and goes to sit a little further. He's made it clear he's on team Charlie. I got him up to speed on everything before Levi came out. I somewhat trust him, and with the iron-clad NDA he's signed I can bury him if anything slips out.

"Have dinner with me in L.A." Levi leans forward, his big warm hands slipping onto my knee.

"Levi, we've talked about this," I moved away a little, but his hands stayed right where they were.

Levi playfully narrows his eyes at me, "Technically we haven't talked about anything for a long time. You know, I always just assumed we'd find our way back to one another, and here you are."

"I'll be honest with you Levi, I felt the same for a long time, but I just can't even entertain the idea anymore. Nothing's changed enough for the outcome to be any different, you're still flying and I'm diving back into Martin. We were like ships in the night, I want more than hellos and goodbyes at the door as we pass one another."

"Melissa, I'm quitting flying."

It takes a moment for the words to sink in, "Quitting?"

"I'm starting my own company with a fleet of six planes and taking more of a back seat on the flying part. I thought about it for a long time, and I realized...I wasn't ever going to find another you out there."

My heart starts to race. Everything he's saying I wish he'd said two years ago, back when he had some semblance of a chance of picking things up.

I shake my head, "Levi..."

"Do you still love me?"

"Yes, but not in the same way I used to. I do care for you Levi, but there's no going back, not now."

Levi looks towards the window, and takes a breath, "Will you at least think about it?"

I shake my head, "I'm sorry I can't say yes to that. It would only give you a sense of false hope, and I can't do that to you. I'm sorry Levi, but what we had is in the past, and for me, that's where I intend to leave it."

Levi nods, turning my words over in his mind. He slips his hands off my leg and leans back, "I was too slow."

I shrug, "It is what it is. Right guy, wrong time."

Levi pats me on the leg before getting up and making his way back to the cockpit.

Andrew immediately slips into Levi's seat the moment the door closes behind him and his brows furrow, "Levi doesn't swing my way by any chance, does he?"

"Even if he did, I suggest you cast your net a little wider. It's a small world, learn from my mistakes and don't play where you work."

His brow shoots right up, "Isn't that exactly what you're doing with Charlie?"

I purse my lips, "Andrew, between you and me, I haven't been with anyone since Levi."

"Huh," Andrew takes out his phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Scheduling you in for a few hours at the spa with a weedwhacker, when we get back to New York at least he'll be able to find it."

I go to protest, but he raises a finger at me as he places a call, and leaves to talk in private. Yep, he's definitely on team Charlie.

The "Stylist" | Book I in a Series of Mistaken IdentitiesWhere stories live. Discover now