The Walking Dead ~Jeffrey Dean Morgan~

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So, in this fic, zombies actually happen, thankfully, you've seen all of Walking Dead, and played a shit ton of survival and zombie games.-Tsarra

I ran through the street and slid across the hood of a car. "The fuck did she go?!" shouted the man I was running from. I was currently in Seattle, WA. It had been three months since the outbreak of actual zombies. No matter how many zombie things you've watched or played, it still didn't prepare you when you lost friends and family to the dead. I panted as I peeked over the car, I looked over at a store, and quickly ran inside. I slid behind the counter, looked over, and jumped when I saw a man who was crouched down, he placed his fingers up to his lips. He grabbed a pen and wrote something on the piece of paper. He slid it over to me and I read it. 

Keep quiet and they'll leave

I nodded to the man as we waited for what seemed like hours. "Awe the bitch ain't here...let's move" a different man spoke as the sound of cars driving away filled the air. "Some people took the dead rising way too damn quick," I said as the man chuckled, I looked at him and smiled, "seems like playing Negan did wonders for you" I joked as he laughed, "Jeffrey..." he held out his hand, "Y/n" I shook his hand, "c'mon, I'm part of a group, the camp isn't that far outside city limits" he spoke as I nodded and followed him back to his group. Which consisted of most of the crew from the Walking Dead a few actors I didn't know. "Well shit...I'm safe as fuck..." I joked as Andrew walked up, "hi...I'm Andrew" he spoke as I smiled, "I know like ninety-nine percent of you because Walking Dead has prepared me for this moment in life" I said as he chuckled, "we've got a tent over here that hasn't been claimed by anyone." Andrew spoke as I followed him to the tent. "I'll leave you to get comfortable..." he said as I nodded, I removed my combat boots, and walked into the tent. I changed out of my zombie blood-soaked clothes and changed into something different. 

"Don't judge..." I said leaving my tent and coming face to face with Norman Reedus who looked at my shirt, "look man, Daryl Dixon was the last shirt I had that wasn't soaked in blood" I explained as he chuckled, "Nah, it's good...guess we all really became out characters from the show it doesn't matter" he said as I snorted, "I'm sorry, but I don't think Jeffrey became a complete and total asshat that's gonna kill anyone here with Lucille" I said walking past Jeffrey who was skinning some fish, "give it time...lots of alpha males here" he spoke as I chuckled. I sat down across from him, "I never thanked you" I told him as he cocked his head while deboning the fish, "for what?" he asked as I chuckled a little, "for pretty much saving me back in the city" I told him as he grew a small smile, "it was nothing" he spoke as I stared at him, "Were you always this humble?" I asked as he laughed and nodded. "I can now understand why women who were in their twenties were fawning and swooning over you" I joked as he chuckled and smiled at me. "What about you?" he asked sticking a stick in some of the fish. He whistled towards Jensen who took the fish and walked off. Jeffrey then got some fishing line and started untangling it. "What about me?" I asked as he smiled flashing his pearly white teeth, "were you one of those women?" he asked as I blushed, "I'll admit, you had some roles where I was like 'damn...he's kinda hot'  but I never like...creamed my jeans whenever you were on screen...unlike some women" I said as he let out a burst of loud laughter. 

He continued to mess with the fishing line as we talked. "Favorite role of mine?" he asked as I smiled, "John far. Granted, John is a shit dad for the one is perfect" I told him as he chuckled. "So, what did you do before all this?" he asked as I sighed, "uhm, I played games when I wasn't working..." I started, "oh? What job did you have?" he asked as I grew embarrassed, "nothing special..." I shrugged as he cocked his head, "why so embarrassed all of a sudden?" he asked as I sighed, "I was an exotic dancer," I told him as his eyes grew wide, "you were a stripper?" he asked as groaned, "exotic dancer" I corrected him, "that's kinda hot" he spoke as I rolled my eyes, "oh yeah, men loved the fact that on the base of my neck, I have tattooed 'Property of Negan' which I got as a fucking joke when I was shitfaced drunk" I told him as he arched an eyebrow, "this sounds way more interesting than your job," he said as I chuckled, "let's boyfriend used to say that I was his property and abuse me and treat me like shit...I left him and he said that no matter what I would always be his property, got drunk with my best friend, and I jokingly said 'you know what! I'ma get a tattoo! That says 'Property of Negan' on the base of my neck!' and when she asked me why. I told her it was because Negan wasn't real and he was too uncultured to know that Negan is a character in a tv show. So I got the tattoo and told my ex that Negan was my new boyfriend" I told him as he laughed. 

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