New Girl ~Negan~

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~Your pov~

I chewed on the inside of my mouth as I walked around Alexandria, "do you care to pay your respects?" Father Gabriel spoke as I stopped under a tree, "ho-ly crap! You...are creepy as shit" Negan said as I watched Rick, Gabriel, and Negan interact with one another. Negan glanced over at me and I hid slightly more behind the tree. He grew a smile, looked at Rick, said something to Rick, and pointed at me. Then someone grabbed me and pushed me to the ground. "Whoa!" Negan spoke as Rick and he walked up, "Shawn...we don't do that unless they do something to deserve it" Negan said as I got off the ground and dusted myself off, "who is this pretty little thing?" Negan asked as I glared at the man who pushed me, I looked at Negan and hid behind my older brother Rick. "She your wife Rick?" he asked as Rick shook his head, "no...she's my sister," he told Negan who smiled at me, "damn...I do love me a shy one" Negan spoke as I looked at him, I remained quiet as Rick placed his hand on me, moving me further behind him, trying to keep me hidden. "Why don't you come on out, little one," he said as I shook my head and he chuckled, "move Rick" Negan spoke as Rick sighed and moved out of his way. 

I shifted uncomfortably as Negan circled me, I felt I was shrinking under his gaze and he chuckled. "I could use another wife" he spoke as Rick looked at him in shock, "what do you say girly?" Negan looked at me, and I remained quiet, "she's not very talkative...but it's okay, she'll warm up to me eventually" he said as he slung his arm over me. I was forced to be Negans wife, I walked into a bedroom, and Negan closed the door behind us and threw his red scarf onto the bed with a sigh. He walked past me, I looked around the room, there was a black couch, and some ore furnisher that was also black. He was muttering to himself as he grabbed a black binder, he flipped it open and started to write in it. He looked up at me and smiled. "Go ahead and have a seat," he said as I sat down on the black couch, I looked around nervously and he sat down on the other couch across from me. He let out a soft sigh as he continued to write, I looked around again, "relax," he spoke, "what?" I asked softly as he looked up at me in shock, "holy shit! she does talk" he said as I stared at him and he chuckled. "I'm not gonna hurt you..." he said as I blinked a few times, "but..." I started as he chuckled, "I can tell you're uncomfortable..we're not gonna do anything...tonight that is" he said as I chewed on the inside of my mouth, "you like to read?" he asked as I nodded, "there are some books on the bookshelf behind you...go grab one" he said as I looked behind me, "gives you something to do while I write" he said as I looked back at him. 

"What..." I started as he stared at me, "what are you writing?" I asked as he smiled a little, "stuff" he simply said as he continued to write, I sighed as I grew bored, I got up, and walked around the room. My fingers dance across the spine of several books, and I continued to walk around, I looked through the different records he had, 'some of these are good' I mentally asked as I sighed, I walked over to the bed, and fell back onto it. "Soft" I whispered as I stretched, I let out a soft groan, 'cozy and comfy...this is a nice ass bed' I smiled to myself as I stare at the ceiling while laying on the bed. I yawned as I felt my eyelids grow heavier, "you should try and get some rest" he spoke as I sat up and looked at him. "I'm not tired" I lied as I got up, he watched me as he closed the binder and set it on the coffee table in front of him. I walked over to the couch and sat down across from him. "You hungry? Thirsty?" he asked as I shook my head, "you wanna take a shower?" he asked as I stared at him, "just you" he spoke as I blinked a few times and shrugged which made him sigh. "And we're back to you being the quiet one" he whispered as he ran his hand over his face. "W-Where's the shower?" I asked softly he pointed to a door, "I'll send someone to get clothes for you" he said as I smiled a little. 

I got up, walked into the bathroom, removed my clothes, and took a shower. Sighing as the hot water ran down my body, I ran my fingers through my soaked hair, I grabbed some soap and washed my hair. Once I was done in the shower, I got out, dried off, and saw some clothes sitting on the toilet, I slid them on, it was a bra, underwear, pajama shorts, and a white t-shirt which I could only assume was Negan's. I put the clothes on, walked out of the bathroom, and saw he was standing in the kitchen area making food.

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