Saved ~Jeffrey Dean Morgan~

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~Jeffrey's pov~

I was getting ready for bed, going through the house, and turning off the lights when there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and saw a young girl standing on my porch, she was soaked because of the rain, and had bruises and cuts on her face. She wore a black tank top, no shoes, and a pair of short shorts. Her legs and arms had cuts on them, some looked deep as if they were caused by a knife of some sort, and some looked like they were caused by briar bushes. Her feet were muddy and also had small cuts on them. "P-Please help" she shivered as I blinked a few times, "okay, let's get you inside, get you, a nice hot bath, and some food, and I'll call the police while you eat and get warm" I spoke as she walked inside, she continued to shiver as she looked around my front room. "Follow me sweetie" I spoke as I led her to the bathroom.

~Your pov~

I followed this man through some hallways, "what's your name?" the man asked as I looked at him, "Y-Y/n..." I whispered as he turned and looked at me "I'm Jeffrey. Jeffrey Dean Morgan" he spoke as I looked at him and he smiled sweetly at me. "Here we are" he spoke as he opened a door, "I'll go find some clothes for you to wear..." he said as he went to close the door but I stopped him, "okay...we can keep it cracked" he spoke as he smiled at me and then walked off. I removed my soaked clothes, turned on the shower, and sighed under the hot water. "I set some clothes on the toilet for you" he spoke, after my shower I walked into the front room, where he was on the phone. I followed him into the kitchen and watched as he started cooking. "Yes, I'm still here" he spoke into the phone, "she said her name is Y/n..." he continued as he cooked and I watched him. 

"Yeah...yeah" he nodded, he handed me the plate and held up a finger as he walked out of the room. I ate the food, got up, washed the plate, and stood there quietly. "Good news" he spoke as I jumped and looked at him, "they're sending an officer" he spoke as he looked at the freshly washed plate, "you didn't have to wash that" he spoke as he took a step forward and I flinched, "whoa...I'm not gonna hurt you" he whispered as he gently took my hands. He led me to the couch and we sat down, "you poor thing..." he whispered as he got into a med kit and started cleaning the cuts on my face. "What happened to you?" he whispered as I looked into his eyes, "I was kidnapped" I whispered as I saw sadness in his eyes, "they..." I sniffled as I started to remember what had happened and I shook my head, "'s okay, you're okay now" he whispered as he pulled me into a hug. I sighed and relaxed into the hug, it had been months since I was held, and I could tell he knew that because he held me until the police got there. 

"Holy crap...that's Y/n L/n...she's been missing for five months now" spoke one of the officers as they walked up and I hid behind Jeffrey. "It's okay...they're not going to hurt you" Jeffrey spoke as I remained behind him, "I don't think she'll come with us..." spoke the other officer, I grabbed onto Jeffrey's arm and shook my head at them. "Do you want me to come with you?" Jeffrey asked as I nodded. 

~Several years later~

I lay on the couch in my new house, I had gotten a guard dog, state-of-the-art security, and what seemed like a million locks on my front and back doors. I was watching the Walking Dead season four when I grew bored. I got off the couch, slid on my shoes, and went to a nearby cafe. I ordered a hot chocolate and sat down. I stared out the window, there was a soft tap on the table making me jump slightly. I looked up and saw the man that saved me all those years ago. "Y/n right?" he asked as I nodded, "you probably don't remember me..." he started, "Jeffrey Dean Morgan" I whispered as he grew a smile, "you do remember me," he said as he took a seat across from me, "kinda hard to forget the man who saved me... especially when he plays Sam and Deans father," I said as he chuckled, "how are you doing? I know you barely said all but...a few words to me back then..." he said as I smiled at him, "day-to-day..." I told him as he smiled, "that's good...I was worried about you" he told me as I smiled gently at him.

"I don't think I could ever thank you enough," I told him as he chuckled, "look, so long as you're happy...that's thanks enough," he told me as I blushed slightly and he smiled at me, showing his pearly white teeth. "Are you doing anything? I wanna take you somewhere as a Thank you" I told him as he smiled, "I'm free all day" he told me as I smiled at him, "great..." I said as I wrote my address and phone number down on a napkin and handed it to him. "Come by my place tomorrow, just text me beforehand...and we can go somewhere as a thank you," I told him as he nodded. 


Jeffrey and I climbed into my car, "where are we going?" he asked as I smiled, "it's a secret" I told him as we drove off, I hummed to myself as I drove. It was a few minutes before we got to a carnival, "aw! Sweet" he spoke, eyes lighting up like a child and I chuckled. We got out and started walking around. I pulled my attention away from him when I saw a stuffed creature that I really liked and wanted. He chuckled as we walked up to the carny game, I watched as he placed down a twenty. He was given three baseballs. "Are you sure you can get it?" I asked as he chuckled and looked at me, "psh, I got this" he said as I chuckled and watched him. He stuck his tongue out the corner of his mouth and threw the ball. "And you immediately missed" I joked as he grabbed the second ball, "hey, I've got two more tries to get you that...creature thing" he spoke as I smiled he threw the second ball hitting the top bottle that sat on two other bottles. "Ha! Got one" he smiled as he looked at me and I chuckled, he grabbed the last ball and held it up to me. "Good luck?" he arched an eyebrow as I chuckled, "I am not kissing know how many people have probably touched that ball?" I asked as he chuckled, "but I will..." I took the hand that he's been throwing with and kissed his hand gently. " now the good luck isn't on the ball...but on your hand," I told him as he blushed slightly and smiled. "Let's hope it works..."  he said as I smiled, I watched as he tossed the ball and knocked over the last two bottles. "Yes!" he shouted as he threw his hands up and I clapped. "Nicely done," I said as the carny handed him one of the stuffed creatures. 

"For you my lady" he spoke as I chuckled, "why, thank you, good sir," I said taking the small stuffed creature, "I'm gonna name it...Falkore" I said as we walked and he chuckled. After a few hours, we headed back to town because there was a thunderstorm coming. We reached my house, "thank you...I had fun today" he said as I smiled. He took my hand and kissed my knuckles. "We'll have to do it again some other time" he whispered as I blushed and nodded. "I'll see you later" he added as he kissed my knuckles again and then left. 'So...we're gonna have a second date? Did he know this was a date? Probably...' I mentally spoke as I walked inside smiling. 

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