Lazy Day ~Negan~

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~Your pov~

I grunted as I pulled the knife out of the walker's skull and panted. 'Fuck me...' I mentally spoke as my boyfriend ran up, "you okay?" he asked as I nodded, "yeah, you?" I asked as he nodded. We ran into a building to scavenge, and that was when I heard a truck passing. I walked outside and the truck stopped, a man rolled down the window and looked at me. "You need a place?" he asked as my boyfriend walked out of the building, "we've got a settlement" the man added as I looked at Shawn, "we can earn our keep" Shawn spoke as the man gestured for us to get into the back. We ran over, climbed into the back and the other person started driving. 

~Time skip~

"So, before anything can happen, the boss needs to ask you a few questions" the man spoke as he led us to a door, he knocked on the door and a voice spoke from inside. We walked in, and a very handsome man was sitting in a chair, a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire was in his hand, and he drank some water. He looked at Shawn and me before looking at the man, "who's this?" he asked, "uhm...they're so people who wanna join" the man spoke as the guys sitting in the chair got up. "Names Simon...I need names" he spoke as the man known as Simon looked at us, "I'm Shawn" my boyfriend spoke, "I'm Y/n..." I said as the man smiled at me, "we'll do whatever to stay" Shawn spoke as the man kept his eyes on me, "anything?" the man asked as I nodded, " can stay...if..." he started as he smirked at me. He pointed the bat at me, "she marries me" he said as Shawn gasped and I stared at the man. "No! Absolu-", "okay," I said cutting Shawn off, "what?!" Shawn was in shock, "I'll marry him, if it means we get to stay and stay safe then I'm marrying him" I spoke looking at my now ex-boyfriend, "great! Simon will show Shawn to his room, Y/n, this is your room now" the man spoke as I removed my pack. Simon and Shawn left and I looked at the man. "Negan" he spoke as I cocked my head, "my name," he said as I nodded and looked around the room. 

I saw a bookshelf and walked over to it. "Books..." I whispered as I smiled and ran my fingers along the spine of a few of them, "oh! You've got all of the Lord of the Rings books?!" I exclaimed as he chuckled and I looked at him, "where'd you find them?" I asked as he smiled, "around" he told me as I chuckled, "that's a smartass response" I told him as he chuckled, "you like fantasy?" he asked I nodded and looked back at the books, "Shawn used to read fantasy to me every night before bed...before all this happened" I told him as he chuckled. 

~A few weeks later~

I sighed as I felt kisses on my shoulder, I let out a smile as he kissed below my ear and growled softly. "Good morning to you too" I whispered as he chuckled and ran his hand down my body. "How'd you sleep?" he asked in my ear as I rolled over onto my back and looked at Negan, "like a rock" I spoke as he chuckled, "you slept like you hadn't slept in years," he told me as I chuckled, "well yeah, yesterday was crazy...Dwight and I nearly died but we got away from the walkers" I told him as I kissed his throat making him chuckle. "You know what you should do" I whispered as I kissed his jaw, "what's that babe?" he asked softly as I brushed my nose against his, "you should go run us a bath" I whispered as he chuckled, "yeah?" he asked as I nodded, doesn't that sound amazing? A nice hot bath, the two of us in the water...relaxing" I whispered as he chuckled, "All right, I'll go draw us a bath," he said as I smiled and he got out of bed. He disappeared into the bathroom, I climbed out of bed, walked over to the record player, grabbed a record, and put on some music as I looked at the books and grabbed the complete collection of Edgar Allen Poe. 'I wonder if he'll read me a story from this book' I mentally spoke, "bath is done doll..." he spoke from the bathroom as I smiled and walked in, I removed my clothes and sat down in the bath, sighed as the hot water relaxed my muscles. "Make some room baby" he spoke as I moved some and he got in. I lay back with my back against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "Lazy day?" I asked looking at him and he chuckled, "sure" he whispered as he kissed the side of my head, "awesome" I spoke as he chuckled. 

~Time skip~

I sat on the couch beside him, my feet in his lap as he read Tell-Tale Heart, I smiled to myself as he read, I then ran my hand over my stomach, I was waiting for the right time to tell him, and I sighed. I sat up, placed my hand on the book making him look at me, and I took the book from him. "I need to tell you something Negan" I spoke as he cocked his head slightly, I chewed on my bottom lip and took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant," I told him as he smiled and kissed me. "I'm so happy" he spoke as he continued to kiss my face and I giggled when he kissed me deeply. "I love you Y/n" he spoke as I smiled and returned the kiss. "I love you too Negan" I spoke as he smiled. 

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