Home ~Jeffrey Dean Morgan~

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~Your pov~

I angrily threw some clothes into my large backpack, this was the last straw, I took my engagement ring off, and placed it onto my phone that I was also leaving. My fiancee was out, I checked my wallet and saw I had some cash. I grabbed a pillow, my throw blanket, and a jacket. Then, I left, didn't know where I was going, I didn't care, so long as I was away from this house. 

~Jeffrey's pov~

I had gotten home and sighed. I looked at the flowers in the passenger seat of my large, black GMC truck, I knew I had gone too far this time, and there was no way to make up for it but I was gonna try my damndest. I grabbed the flowers, got out, locked the truck, walked into my house, and walked upstairs to where Y/n was. I walked into our shared room, turned on the lights, and saw her drawers were opened, the closet was opened, and there were clothes everywhere. I looked around and saw the engagement ring I had given to her three months ago on top of her phone. "Fuck..." I whispered as I picked up the note underneath her phone. 


I can't take it anymore, this was the last straw, you should've told me when we first met that you weren't thinking about having a family. I was ready, I had told you that I wanted one with someone...and I was hoping that someone would've been you. In case you haven't realized this yet, I left. Don't come looking for me...don't try and find me...leave me alone.


I fell to my knees crying, 'you fucked up big time' I mentally told myself as I clutched the note and cried. 

~A few weeks later~

The house was a mess, I didn't leave, and I refused to answer the phone. I jumped awake on the couch when there was a knock on the door. I groaned, my head was killing me, I got off the couch as the knocking continued, "I'm coming!" I shouted as I stumbled a little to the front door, I opened it and saw Jensen, Jared, Norman, and Andrew standing there. "What?" I asked harshly, "dude...what the fuck?" Norman asked as I groaned and walked back into the front room. I grabbed the half bottle of Jack Daniels that was sitting on the coffee table. I opened the bottle, grabbed my cup, and poured myself some. "Dude...what happened?" Andrew asked as they walked in, I sat on the couch, put my foot on the coffee table, and chuckled while looking at my friends. "Y/n left" I simply said as I looked at my drink, "might as well drink" I whispered as I downed the alcohol. "She left?" Jensen and the others stared at me in shock as I scoffed and gestured to the house, "can't you tell?" I asked as they sighed and started whispering among themselves as I looked at my glass and sat it on the table. I grabbed the bottle and took a drink. "When did she leave?" Jared asked as I picked up some take-out, I sniffed it and scrunched my nose as I set it back down. "A few weeks ago...she asked me not to go looking for her and told me to leave her alone" I explained as I scratched my neck, my fingers lightly hitting the chain around my neck. 

"Do you think she'll come back after she cools off?" Andrew asked as I snorted, I pulled on the chain around my neck to show them the ring I had given to her. "I highly doubt it..." I said as I let it go so it rested against my chest, I sighed as I moved some crumbs off the couch and looked at my friends, "what happened?" Jared asked as I laughed slightly, "we got into a fight...I called her a bitch..." I licked my lips and tried to keep myself from crying, "and I told her that I don't want a family with her...I've never wanted a family with her" I whispered as the tears slid down my face, "fuck..." Jensen spoke as I nodded. "Yep! So I have royally fucked up an amazing relationship" I said as I grabbed the bottle again and raised it, "So...bottoms up" I said as I took another drink. After a few hours, they were trying to talk to me and get me to take a shower, clean up, and go out with them but it wasn't working. Eventually, I asked them to leave and now I was laying on the couch watching videos I took of Y/n while clutching the ring in my hand. 

~Jeffrey Dean Morgan X Reader shorts~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon