Fight ~John Winchester~

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~Your pov~

I groaned as I was thrown against the wall, the ghost I was going up against was a lot stronger than most, and that was when the door flew open, Dean shot the ghost with his sawed-off shotgun that had rock salt into it. "Y/n!" John shouted as he ran over, "were did it go?" Sam asked as he ran in. I grunted as I pushed myself off the ground. "All right...this thing has got me pissed off..." I growled.

I cracked my neck as I looked at them, "did you find the bones?" I asked them "no, she was fucking cremated," Dean said as I growled, "of course she was! Because why would it ever be easy on us?!" I growled as I sighed, "next best thing John?" I asked as he mumbled to himself, "the ring!" he shouted as we looked at him confused, "we need to find her wedding ring! She was attached to it before she died" he added, "we find the ring, melt it..." Sam spoke, "she goes right to hell" I smirked as we started to frantically look around. "Found it!" I shouted as once more I was thrown against the wall dropping the ring. "Y/n!" shouted Sam, "get the damned ring!" I shouted as John grabbed the ring and Sam shot the ghost, and I fell onto the ground with a loud thud and everything went black. 

I woke up a few minutes later in John's truck, he was driving, and I shot up, "whoa, easy Y/n" he spoke as he placed his hand on my hand making me look at him. "What happened?" I looked at him, "we put her to rest" he told me as I exhaled and sat back in the seat. I looked out the window, we were quiet, "you shouldn't have gone off by yourself" he spoke breaking the silence, "great...just what I need... criticism..." I said as he sighed, "you could've died" he said as I rolled my eyes, I put my earbuds in and ignored him. We reached the hotel, and Sam and Dean were out celebrating another successful hunt, John grabbed my arm and I pulled my earbuds out. "Let go of me John," I told him, "no, we're gonna talk about this" he spoke clearly pissed off at me. "There's nothing to fucking talk about," I told him as he gripped my arm tightly, "that is bullshit and you know it!" he shouted as I tried to pull my arm away from him but he pulled me toward him. "Let me fucking go, John!" I shouted as I went to hit him, he grabbed my wrist, and I tried to hit him again. This continued until he had me pinned to the bed, "you're gonna fucking listen!" he shouted as I breathed heavily. "I don't think you understand what your death could do to my boys! Or to me!" he spoke as I glared at him, "why the hell do you fucking care?" I asked as I pushed him off of me. 

He let out a sigh as I got off the bed and glared at him. "Because I care about my boys and for some fucking reason they care about your dumbass!" he shouted as I rolled my eyes, "well, luckily for all three of you fucking Winchesters...I'm not your issue anymore" I said grabbing my duffle bag, I packed my shit and walked out of the hotel. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" he asked following me, "away from all three of you..." I said walking up to my motorcycle, I put the strap of my duffel around me and got on. "Wait...hang on" he spoke as I climbed onto my motorcycle. 

"Come after me, or look for me

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"Come after me, or look for me...and I'll fucking send you to hell," I told him as I put my helmet on and drove away, leaving him standing there in the middle of the hotel parking lot while it rained. I glanced back at him in my mirror and saw his hands were on his head and then he looked like he screamed as he paced. 'Later asshole' I mentally spoke as I tried not to cry. I had a huge ass crush on John but I couldn't stand the fact that he was always so overprotective of me and overbearing. 

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