Lazy Day ~John Winchester~

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~Your pov~

I yawned as I stretched and left my bedroom in the Bunker, I walked into the lounging area and saw Sam and Dean just chilling in their pajamas. "No new cases?" I asked as Dean shook his head, "maybe all the monsters took a vacation" I spoke as I grabbed the box of golden grams from Dean, "hey! I was eating those" he said as I sat down in John's armchair and started eating on them. "You two are so fucking weird...eating cereal without milk," Sam said as I snorted, "would eat a bowl of cereal if we had milk" Dean spoke as he dusted the crumbs off his shirt and sighed as he turned on the TV. "Dad went to go get some milk" Sam spoke as I laughed, "that's what my dad said once and I'm still waiting for the day he comes home with it" I laughed as Dean and Sam stared at me, "that's horrible", "that's the truth," I said as the main door opened and closed. "I'm back with the milk" John's voice rang out as I snorted and looked at the two brothers. "You two got lucky, your dad came back with the milk" I said as Sam rolled his eyes. John walked past holding a bag of groceries and a jug of milk. "I'm gonna go see what he got" I said handing Dean the cereal back and following John into the kitchen, his back was to me, I smiled as I closed the door behind me and wrapped my arms around him. 

"You didn't wake me this morning" I whispered as he chuckled, "you were sleeping so soundlessly...I didn't want to disturb you" he spoke as I placed a soft kiss on his neck, "Y/n, I'm tryna put the groceries away" he told me as he turned around and stared into his eyes. "I love you" I whispered as he smiled and kissed me, "I love you too Y/n" he whispered as I smiled and walked into the lounging area where Sam had changed the channel which was causing an argument, "Y/n!" they both said as they looked at me, "if you two don't play nice, I'm gonna take the remote" John shouted from the kitchen, "nice going genius" Dean spoke as he snatched the remote from his little brother. I was the boys' stepmother, years after Mary had passed, John and I got together but we both knew that I wasn't a replacement for Mary, the boys did see me as a mother but they knew that I wasn't and I never tried to be Mary, I helped raise the boys my own way and but still showed them that motherly love they needed while growing.

"Sam, what were you wanting to watch?" I asked as he crossed his arms, "Unsolved Mysterys" he told me as I arched an eyebrow and looked at Dean, "I wanna watch Jeff Dunham: Unhinged" he told me as I sighed, "and you've had the remote all morning!" Sam shouted, "okay, y'know what" I said as I snatched the remote and turned the tv off. "You two gonna act like you're kids then you're gonna be treated like kids" I said as they gasped, "Dad!" Dean shouted, "you heard her" John said walking in while eating a bagel with cream cheese on it. "Oooo, you brought bagels" I said as I handed him the remote and walked into the kitchen. I then grabbed a bagel, put cream cheese on both sides, put some sliced turkey on a piece of the bagel, the put some lettuce and tomato on the other piece and put it the bagel back together to make a sandwich. "It's beautiful!" I whispered as I heard John laugh from behind me. 

"Look at it's glorious" I said as I showed him my sandwich and he chuckled. "You deal with the arguing?" I asked as I sat on the counter and took a bite of my sandwich. "Yeah, I put on Scooby-Doo...they both...even though they're grown ass men...they both shut the hell up and started watching it" he explained as he walked over. It wasn't an abnormal thing where one day we'd wake up and they were acting like they used to when they were growing up, they were still brothers after all, and they had their moments when they acted like children all day. 

"Wanna bite?" I asked as I held up my sandwich and he chuckled, "I'm not gonna take your food, you always put too much cream cheese on your bagels" he spoke as he kissed my cheek, "I fucking love cream cheese" I said as he chuckled and kissed me. "You taste like cream cheese" he said as I ate y sandwich, "I wonder why" I spoke with my mouth full and he chuckled, he wiped his thumb across the corner of my mouth and licked the cream cheese off his thumb. "Someone is wanting to get laid while his boys watched Scooby-Doo" I said as he smiled, "that's what we did in the past wasn't it? Put Scooby-Doo on, lock them in the hotel room, and then go down the road to get laid" he whispered as I rolled my eyes, "only difference is we have our own  room now" he said as I chuckled. "Did you not get enough last night?" I arched an eyebrow. 

"Of you? Never" he whispered as I chuckled and looked at the clock. "C'mon" I said as I got off the counter and took his hand, "we're gonna be busy for a hot minute, don't bother us" I said walking past the boys who were too into the show, "sure...whatever" Dean spoke as he ate on the cereal, I handed Sam the last half of my sandwich and walked off with John following me. "Gross" Sam said as he ate on his sandwich. 

~A few minutes later~

I lay in bed with my head on his chest while I played with his chest hair, "you ever think about what it would be like to get out of this life?" I asked as he gently ran his fingers up my arm, "I wasn't always a know that..." he said as I sat up and looked at him, "I know...but it's something to think about" I said as he caressed my cheek. "I don't need to leave this life to be happy...I've got you and my boys...that's all I could ever ask for" he whispered as I smiled. I leaned over and kissed him. "First lazy day in years" I whispered as he smiled and kissed me, "and it was amazing" he told me as I nodded.

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