Company Vacation ~Negan~

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~Your pov~

I typed as I bobbed my head to the music that played in my ears from my earbuds. I jumped when Simon put some files down on my desk, I removed my earbuds and chuckled at him. "You scared the crap out of me man," I said as he smiled, "sorry, are you going to the meeting today?"  he asked as I nodded and looked at the files, "yeah, he said it was mandatory...are these for him?" I asked as he nodded, "he's having a shit day and I'm not getting chewed out about the fact that they're, have fun" he spoke as I sighed, "why me? Why can't you take them to him yourself?" I asked as he smiled and shoved his hands in his pockets, "because he doesn't go easy on anyone else but you...why do you think whenever he's like this we all go to you to give him any files or reports?" he asked as I sighed, "he's only like that to me when he's having a shit day because he's hoping to fuck me" I told him as I grabbed the files and stood up. "I mean...with a body like that, who wouldn't wanna fuck ya" he spoke as I glared at him, "I wonder if you'd be thinking that whenever I report your ass for sexual harassment to HR...or to him" I smiled as he threw his hands up and walked off. 

I walked into the elevator, and headed up to my boss's floor, "hold the door please!" spoke my older brother as I held the door open for him. "Fuck...damnit! I'm late" he grumbled as he fixed his shirt, "rough night Daryl?" I asked as he chuckled, "what gave it away?" he asked as he dusted his pants off, "if you get to your desk on time, I don't think he'll notice" I told him as he chuckled, "I keep thinking about Merle" he told me as I grew quiet, our older brother had died around this time last year due to an accident. " too" I whispered as he sighed, "I miss him" he whispered as I nodded, "me too," I told him as the elevator doors opened ad he sighed. "Good luck" he spoke as he walked out and the doors closed behind him. While on the way up I opened the top three buttons of my button-up shirt, put my hair up in a messy bun, and made sure my tight black skirt was clean as well as the black pantyhose that had a seam going up the back to make me look taller. I exhaled deeply as the doors opened, I walked out of the elevator and up to the office doors. I could hear muffled talking inside, I knocked, "enter" my boss's voice rang out, I opened the door and saw he was in a meeting with Rick from the Alexandria department, Maggie from the Hilltop department, and Ezekiel from the Kingdom department. "Y/n..." Negan's face which was filled with anger, softened at the sight of me, "I-I have those reports from Simon" I told him as he cocked his head slightly and took a deep breath, "why didn't he bring them to me himself?" he asked as I looked at the floor, "he said you were having a bad day sir...and he said that he didn't want to get chewed out for the reports being late" I told him as my eyes met his brown ones. "I see..." he curled his finger at me, I walked over and held the reports out to him. His eyes glanced down at my cleavage before looking at the reports, "thank you doll...when you get back to your floor, will you tell Simon to bring his ass to my office? I need to have a conversation with him" he said as I smiled and nodded. 

"Yessir" I spoke as he smiled, "good along now," he said as tingles danced through my body, I nodded slightly and left. I bit my lip as I walked back to the elevator, and went back to my floor. I knocked on Simon's office door, "come in" he spoke as I opened the door, he had always made me feel uncomfortable so any time I had to talk to him, I kept the door open and stayed by the door. "Negan wants to see you in his office," I told him as he looked at me, "why?" he asked clearly scared, "dunno, he didn't tell me. He just told me to tell you to go to his office" I said turning and walking back to my desk. I sighed as I started typing out my report. 

There were four different departments in the company, Rick was the boss of the Alexandria faction, Maggie was the Hilltop, Ezekiel was the Kingdom, and Simon ran the Sanctuary department. But Negan is the CEO and founder of the whole company, we all worked for him in Lucille Inc. Each department handled different things, Alexandria handles online chats, Kingdom handles security grievances someone might have with our company, Hilltop handles phone calls, and the department I'm in handles all three of them. I worked in the Sanctuary department although there were rumors that Negan was going to try and have me changed to his floor as his assistant slash secretary.

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