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Amiri POV
I have finally escaped. Four long years since they kidnapped me from my family and I finally get to reunite with them. Thankfully the ash Navi's antics aren't approved by everyone in their clan and I was able to slip out with the help of a mysterious boy.

I glance back at the volcano that held me captive taking a step back to greater the distance between us. " I'm very sorry it took me so long to get you out of there. I hope you get back to your family and do everything we talked about" I stare at the figure wide-eyed.

That voice. The one that got me through all the torture and pain I had been through. Running my hand up his arm, reaching the top I pull his hood back to which was covering his face. Manu. I smile lightly cupping his cheek with my hand. "Thank you" I say before getting in the water and beginning my journey.

2 days later

Not knowing where I was I felt myself slowly giving up until a familiar squeak came from the distance. "Mara?!" I yelled as I see my ilu swimming towards me.

A smile formed on my lips as she comes up to me happily and checks to see if I'm alright. I'm so surprised she recognised me after all this time. I quickly jump on her and tell her to take me home. I knew we had to be close since she had found me. Why was she outside the reef though? I shake my head ignoring my thoughts. The only thing that mattered was getting home now.

As soon as we crossed the border I looked towards the village, my village. My thoughts were deep as Mara quickly took us to shore. To my surprise the horn had sounded however not for me......


I stepped onto the sand near the forest as flying beasts came and landed on shore. The whole village came swarming out of their respected marui and inspected the new arrivals. I hid behind a tree not knowing what do but watch.

I recognised them as forest Navi but why were they here? The dark blue Navi climbed down from their beasts and put their hands up signalling that they were not dangerous.

Then I saw him. He barged through the crowd. Looking so much older and manly than the last time we were together.

Aonung. My bestfriend, the one I thought of all that time. The one I had missed dearly.

His eyes shot daggers into the forest navis while Rotxo made fun of their tails. Oh how I missed them. Not long after Tsireya came out of the water looking as beautiful as ever.

Quickly slapping the boys heads telling them to stop i couldn't help but chuckle to myself.

I decided not to watch how this whole thing would play out and went to the other side of the beach to try and recollect my thoughts.

Had they searched for me?
Did they miss me?
Did he miss me?

Tears gathered in my eyes thinking of the past four years. Rubbing my hand over all my scars from the top to the bottom of my body.

I assumed the forest Navi were finished with their business and decided to go see my mother and father. I wasn't sure how this was ganna go but I knew they would have a lot of questions.

Turning around my movements stopped as 3 Navi came into my view. There they stood not 5 ft away.

Tsireya. Rotxo. & Aonung.

The Return of his Tsahik - AonungWhere stories live. Discover now