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Third person POV

"Ma' Aonung!?" Amiri cried out.

She could be seen quickly but steadily trying to get up on her feet with her new born baby attached to her chest before Lo'ak came to her aid helping her to stand and taking her over to her injured mate.

"M-my manawa" she called out as she sat next him while the two warriors set him down on the floor of Ronald's marui.

She reluctantly gave her baby to Tonowari while she held onto Aonungs hand squeezing them tight while letting a stream of tears fall.

Amiri POV

W-why is he in this state?! The amount of times he's gone outside the reef and the day I give birth is when he decides to come back unconscious.

Ronal quickly tended to his wounds cleaning him up while everyone left. It was just us 3 in the room.

Soon after he was all clean and patched up Ronal was packing up her equipment and getting ready to leave us to have privacy when i stopped her.

"M-mother pl-please go inside his head. I need to know what happened."
I say whilst holding her hand my voice cracking from the sobs escaping my mouth.

"Child I-" she tries to protest

"Please!" I cry out feeling desperate.

She looks at me with pity in her eyes.
"O-okay darling"

As she sits down next to him she grabs my hand as the physical contact will allow me to enter his mind with her.

Aonungs mind

"Wait don't go" he yells to one of the warriors

"Aaaah" he screams in agony as an akula bites him from behind

He quickly swims to shore barely getting away before 3 other warriors appear and kill the akula.

"M-my m-manawa isn't g-going to be pleased when she sees me." He says quietly before it goes dark.

Back to Amiri

Fucking akula I'll kill every last one of them! I thought to myself.

"Good news is he will be alright child. Bad news is I'm not entirely sure when he'll wake up"

"WHAT!" I snap my head towards her

"You m-mean hes in a coma?" I ask

"Yes it could be days, weeks, months maybe even years before he wakes" she says sadly stroking her sons face.

I just sat there in shock he can't leave me alone here. I need him to wake now. I need him. We haven't spent a day apart since I returned I don't even know how to live by myself anymore.

He needs to meet his son! Fuck he needs to name his son! We decided when we saw him we were going to name him together.

"Please don't leave me for too long my manawa. You know I can't sleep without you" I say softly to him as I stroke his face and kiss his forehead.

Minutes passed and Rotxo came into the room holding my baby.

"Sister, he's beautiful" he says smiling

I look at him with tears in my eyes & quickly ask
"Brother are you alright? Are you hurt?"

He was also one of the hunters that went beyond the reef today.

"Yes i am fine. Aonung saved me."

"Hows Neteyam? Is he okay?" I ask abit worried for my friend

"Shhh sister everyone's alright. Aonung is very brave for what he did today." He says

"What do you mean?" I ask curiously while looking at my mate

"He warned everyone to retreat and then held off the akula before the elder hunters could get it. He's a hero my sister". Rotxo exclaimed while playing with his nephew

I let out a shaky sigh "my dumb mate. I hate how you always put everyone before yourself."

"Here sister I have to go check on the others. I will visit as soon as I can okay? Take care I'm so proud of you." He says before exiting the marui

I held my baby to my chest and carried him towards his father.

"Look baby. This is your Pāpā, he's very brave and has a big heart. I hope when you grow up you'll be just like him, just without the cockiness" I smile at my own words while playing with my son.

I lay our son on Aonungs chest and watch the first interaction between them with a smile. Our son cuddled up to his dad and soon fell asleep feeling his warmth. I brought Aonungs arm up to his child and rested my head on his thigh looking out the door towards the ocean.

"Titiro my manawa, titiro ki te huka o te tai. He tino nui I tēnei rā"

"Look my manawa, look at the foam of the sea. It's very large today"

I spoke to my mate knowing he wouldn't reply.

Then it hit me "Te Moana"

The ocean

Such a beautiful name, it's calm yet mighty depending on the weather and unpredictable much like the circumstances.

"My manawa I think I just named our baby." I say with tears in my eyes.

He's named after a place we both love. The place we were all born in. The place we will return to when our energy is given back to eywa.

"Do you like it my manawa?" I ask hoping I'd receive a response.

Tears continued to fall from my eyes as I grabbed our baby so he can lie comfortably on me as I set myself beside Aonung.

"Let's sleep together as a family for the first time" I say before slowly drifting to sleep.

Unknowingly Amiri had been being watched by the people who cared for her most from the doorway.

They all stood with tears in their eyes as they felt her pain. They knew better than anyone how much Aonung meant to her. How much they meant to eachother. For this to happen to her made their heart ache for her.

They knew he would eventually wake up. They just didn't know if it would be soon.

Third person POV

"Ronal isn't there anything you can do to help him wake up?" Rotxo asked while Lo'ak & Neteyam stood by his side.

Ronal looked at Tonowari sharing glances before saying to the boy.

"All you need to do is be there for her. I will try but this ritual is very hard and it might now even work" Ronal says before placing a hand on Rotxos shoulder and leaving.

"Tonowari I don't think I can do the ritual" Ronal says while walking along the beach with her mate.

"I know darling. It is very hard. Just be there for them and I know our son will wake soon. He's very strong"  Tonowari said before kissing his mate on the cheek and going to attend some duties.

Ronal let out a sigh she just hoped Aonung would wake soon.


Hi guys I kinda didn't like this chapter but oh well I just wanted to give you guys something. Hopefully he wakes up sooooon👀

The Return of his Tsahik - AonungWhere stories live. Discover now