Falling for .....chapter three

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Karla and I walked into the pub and headed straight for the bar dancing and laughing all the way there. It seemed packed tonight. "Hey Kristie you've been zoning out since we left what's up doc?" I smiled then pulled a face.

"Derrick and Cameron might be here" she laughed "so show that boy what he's really missing" I could never have the confidence to do that not even taking into account my brother really didn't need to see some guy all over his little sister.

Karla seemed to get where I was coming from downing her vodka before pulling me onto the dance floor. I loved to dance it was one of the very rare times I didn't give a fuck what I looked like. Surrounded by a wall of people hiding me also helped feed my attitude.

Karla squealed and got pulled away from me until she realized it was Craig then it was make out station party time for those two. Being happy for Karla and enjoying seeing her with the same guy three nights in a row I continued to dance with the crowd around me.

Catching a set of blue eyes at the bar I was fixed in my spot until someone called my name. I spun around to find Derrick and Cameron as promised.

"Oh big bro you don't need to hit on my friends I'm sure you have some your own age" I told him being a smart ass he punched my arm playfully and looked around taking note of Karla entangled with Craig "PDA much?" He asked and continued to look around he nodded a hello to a few people then headed over the the bar.

Cameron looked down at me with uncertain green eyes "what are you thinking?" I asked him unable to let that look pass "about the other day" he stepped closer to me placing a hand on my lower back bring us closer together. "What about the other day?" I didn't mean to sound so needy or desperate I hoped I didn't to him anyway.

"Wondering if we should give us a chance" was he playing with my emotions or did he mean it this time. I needed a minute to think so I stepped back "let me know when you know" I got up on tip toe and kissed his cheek.

I passed Derrick at the bar he gave me raised eye brows but I shrugged and headed outside for fresh air.

Unfortunately I was met with twenty packs a day second hand smoke. I started coughing and some kind hearted person hit my back trying to clear my lungs but almost knocked me into next week. "You don't smoke what are you doing out here?" Of course my ever helpful stalker. If Parker wasn't so hot I'd have had him arrested by now.

"Fresh air" I finally wheezed out he shook his head with a smile and blew his smoke away from me in another direction. A sweet hearted stalker who would have guessed. "Ever try one?" He asked taking his cigaret out of his mouth I shook my head "want too?" It was a challenge. He was egging me on with that smirk plastered on his face.

"Sure. I am the party" I said sarcastically but he laughed with his head back and wrinkles at his eyes. It transformed his face and I enjoyed it. Parker placed one on my lip and I puckered it there while he lit his lighter and held it out to me "take a deep breath in hold it then let it out" he instructed. This situation and act seemed erotic. Him being so close and instructing my mouth.

I felt like a naughty school girl hooking up with the bad boy. I never was one for a cliche. As soon as I took that deep breath in I choked. Chocked. And choked. Parker was having the time of his life laughing at me while hitting me on the back. Why? Oh why? Had I agreed to that.

Plain and simple he was a bad influence and worst of all I was beginning to trust him. Denis was on the scene in seconds trying to help me drink water and I really appreciated it. "You're a fuckwit" was his comment to Parker who still laughing but wouldn't leave my side "well she won't do it again" was my teachers scolding reply.

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