Falling for.....chapter eighteen

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So he'd finally asked me out but had things changed too much. Here I was over thinking everything again but I couldn't help it.

"Just because we're sleeping together doesn't mean you need to date me Cameron"

"Yes it does your worth more than just a bed warmer" he seemed to struggle on finding an appropriate name and bed warmer so wasn't what someone our age would call it.

I laughed and it lightened the mood "worth more or less it doesn't matter. Keeping things this way its working with your architecture projects isn't it?" "We spend time together as a couple we have hot sex the only thing that's not there is the title Kristie. Come on think about it"

"You don't have to try and convince me going on a date would be amazing. It always is. It's the extra stuff I'm worried about. Like before you didn't think you had the time and you didn't want to neglect me well now I'm hesitant to take it further in case it doesn't work. We've both got so much at stake"

"You're worth it"

I laughed again he was high on sex and emotions as well finishing his last design. Tomorrow things might have cooled off and I didn't want to take this too fast.

Cameron tried to pursaude me the remaining of the journey and once he killed the engine he gave up and decided on more forth coming option.

The sleeping arrangements.

Yet again I seemed to hold my own against him maybe all the sex had mellowed me out and his charm and dazzle had been subdued momentarily.

Slipping into my room utterly exhausted and sleeping until ten then in a panic headed into work late. Karla met me for lunch as planned and we gossiped about everything.

"I know you've been bunking with Cameron love you long time?" Laughing so hard and clutching my ribs I remembered quoting that to her when she'd first started seeing Craig "you know I will always love him but things are complicated. He doesn't want to neglect me and I don't want him to stress out or things to change with him and I around the house. Then there us park-" Karla nodded then looked outside focusing on a bike that just pulled up.

"Don't you dare leave me again or this friendships over! Hear me?" Karla laughed until I slapped her arm and then I went back to eating.

"Hey what up ladies?" Parker asked sliding into the bench seat next to me "not a lot how's the move going?" "I'm in the process on buying a place on the beach" Karla looked at me and raised an eye brow.

Had I forgotten to mention Parker was moving back to her? It was impossible keeping track. "Karla can I have a chat with Kristie?" Not even seconds later Karla had waved good bye and headed back to work.

What a traitor!

Ok Parker was extreme attractive and had a way with words but I was more so than ever confused about what to feel.

"You've been avoiding me" he sounded to serious for Parker and he'd moved out from beside me and was now sitting challengingly across from me. "Not avoiding I just haven't been down the the beach in a while" "why? What's taking up your time" he sounded jealous and pissed with a little concern thrown in too.

When I didn't elaborate he shook his head and clicked his tongue disapprovingly like I was a little child who hadn't told the truth. "Camo" he stated with a deadpan look. I should have know better and told him.

Hadn't he of all people earned that? Well he had before he left for Sydney without a word.

Parker continued to stare at me like he hoped to unlock my inner thoughts I smiled at him and let him have a few "Cameron your right. Things have changed since you left. He's treating me seriously. But we're not a couple Parker" he continued his deadpan stare.

I sighed and rubbed my face "you know you and I aren't a couple either" "would it change things?" "Of course it would but you and I are too different don't you think?" Parker sat back and crossed his arms over his chest.

With the shirt almost ripping in half with the strain of his muscles I lost all thought. For a few moments anyway until his chuckling startled me and I woke up. "You're a cruel bastard Parker" "it seems like I just need to show you your options again" "what will that change?"

"You'll start coming down to the beach again at least. Camo needs to step it up" I was getting tired if his cocky attitude. "I live with him I will always see him more than you" "with that comment you'll find me back in your bedroom"

"I didn't mean that" "come down to the beach more and I'll stay away from you room" Parker the perfect salesman was spinning this pretty well all I had to do was leave the safety of my brother, lousy Best friend and Cameron.

"I would be more pissed off if I found out you were sleeping in his bed but I dropped by this morning and found you in yours" "your such a stalker. I don't check on who you sleep with Parker" "you don't need to I'm only sleeping with you"

I didn't know what to make of that comment but I said I'd be down the beach at least once this week.

Parker got up came around to my bench again and lent over brushed a hand over my cheek nestling it in my hair then kissing me for all he was worth.

No I wouldn't forget to go to the beach. Parker had made sure of that.

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