Falling for.....chapter twenty one

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Opening the huge door and putting a smile on my face Cameron in all his glory stood there looking casual and relieved to see me. He took me into his arms and kissed me as if the world was ending.

Eventually when it was either pull away or pass out we pulled our lips from the other. "I've missed you so much" Cameron whispered cradling my face within his hands. "I needed this" he nodded and stood up straighter.

Inviting Cameron into the apartment and showing him around relaxed us both and we ending up sitting on the small balcony "it's very you. Modern, classy and homey" Cameron complimented in his ever smooth voice. "It's different from the condo but its working. Cameron you know weather or not we date I had to move out. It wasn't anything you did or said"

"Fuck I wish you'd stayed. Every time I walk past your room for the last six years I knew you were safe and where you should be. I could look out for you" "I'm a big girl now I can manage. I need you in other ways now"

Once again those dark green eyes met my light green ones and we were lost in each other.

This was how it was meant to be.

The universe was set right again.

Cameron and I were together.

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