Falling for.....chapter twenty

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Three weeks later I'd moved out. Into an apartment building closer to work. It seemed to spark more of an independence in me which at this stage in life I needed like a tooth pick after eating corn.

Derrick was impressed I'd struck out on my own Karla was reserving her opinion for a while. Last but not least Cameron was livid. As I moved my last box into my car he stood watching me from the porch "I take it all back. I take it all fucking back. Do whatever you want. Whatever makes you happy. Stay."

Without trying to think to much I walked over to him got on tip toes and kissed him. Short but sweet then turned and got the in car. If I didn't do it now I never would. Crying all the way to the new apartment my door opened and Parker pulled me out.

Feeling lost in his arms as he helped me into the lift and into my apartment. "It's so quiet here" I whispered to him as he shut the front door behind us. "You'll get used to living on your own" "not for a while" Parker slowly removed his arms from me and I walked over to the kettle filling it then turning it on.

Over the last few days I was completely unpacked and Parker had show up offering to help. It was nice of him after I'd been a no show down at the beach he'd guessed something was up. I kept the argument with Cameron to myself. That was private.

Cameron had found out I was moving from Derrick a week after the argument. The week before he had been walking on egg shells around me. We hadn't spoken much and when we had it wasn't about us as a couple. Today though that had been so real and heart breaking.

If I want a relationship with him or if I didn't I still needed to move out. Nothing had happened with Parker a lot of chemistry but we'd both pull back. Parker new if he pushed I'd probably regret it all down the track. "Did you want a coffee?" "Sure. So first night here need someone to keep you safe?" He shamelessly flirted "oh know someone do you. Whats their name?" "Ha ha ha" Parker continued sarcastically.

"I thought Karla would have moved out with you. You two were always inseparable" "I guess her priorities have changed" "meaning your brother" nodding and walking into the lounge with the coffees he sank into the couch while I took the recliner by the ocean view window.

"You can see my place from here" "really which one?" "The three story white one with a black ute in the drive" "boys and there toys" I smiled "you wanna start with the inuendo?" He made me laugh and I shook my head.

"You must be doing pretty well to afford digs like this" "like wise three story ute man" Parker chuckled and my muscles relaxed it was comforting to hear. "When my parents died I got an inheritance the rest I saved"

"Been thinking of moving out a while?" "Not really but I wanted to buy and rent at least. You know invest it well" Parker nodded and watched me drink my coffee it was slightly unnerving.

"I want to kiss you" I laughed again "and I want world peace" "we'll trade off you give me a kiss and I'll give you world peace" Parker raised one very attractive eyebrow and the winked at me.

"Your not going to give me world peace" unable to keep the humor from my voice "try it" I shook my head "why don't you go out and find a nice girl. Didn't you used to have bimbos hanging off you at school" Parker shrugged those broad shoulders like it was no big deal

"You weren't one of them. I doubt you even noticed" I grinned "I hadn't but I've heard rumors. Apparently I'm blind not deaf" Parker and my banter carried on into the night then I sent him packing. Promising to call or knock on his door if I needed anything.

I climbed into bed Friday night and got a text message from Cameron: wanted to call or come round to let you know how much I love and support you with anything you want. Call me.

I battled with myself over this for a while. I got up and watched RAGE drifting off in the recliner by the window. The sunshine woke me up mid afternoon. Stretching then going for more coffee. It was a peaceful quiet this morning not lonely quiet.

Cameron had messaged me again: morning Kristie could I come by today? I need to see you and make sure your safe.

I thought about it then messaged back: come round in half an hour 22 clover st floor 18 apartment 6.

The apartment was as clean as it was going to get I'd showered dressed and put purfume on. The front door bell buzzed and I let him into the building.

This was nerve racking. What was I going to say? How was he going to react? Dizzy and nauseous I sat down for a moment putting my head between my knees.

Cameron was knocking at the door I took one more deep breath prayed then headed towards the door.

Now or never.

Falling for.....Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz