Falling for.....chapter six

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Parker took me under his muscled arm and I enjoyed feeling so petite and protected. "I won't leave your side" he tried to reassure me.

I smiled up at him. Parents usually liked me but he sounded the more nervous of the two of us. We approached a group of woman sitting on picnics mats next to the bonfire. They were laughing, smiling and joking with each other. Parker called to his mum and she looked up at us.

She had long straight black hair and light blue eyes Parker's smile was the spitting image of hers. "You must be Kristie" she said with a smooth feminine voice as stood up and then approached us.

She held out her hand and I took it "its lovely to meet you I can see where Parker gets his smile" she continued to smile and look at us together "it's good to finally meet you Kristie I'm Kate. I'm glad Parker caught up with you while he's here" "he's full of interesting things to say its nice spending time with him"

With my comment she laughed "oh that's putting it politely he's a complete rebel and always has been. Maybe you'll be a good influence on him and he'll decide to move back here" I blushed and looked up at Parker he was looking at his mum "ok I think that's enough meet and greet" Parker brought us out of the thoughts of him going back to Sydney.

"Hopefully we'll meet again Kristie thanks for keeping an eye on Parker" we laughed until Parker started to pull me away from her. "Your mums fantastic" "yer yer yer" was his response. He seemed embarrassed I laughed and shrugged his arm off my shoulder. Giving me a look of annoyance I rolled my eyes and walked backwards in front of him "so Sydney?" "Sydney"

That was the end of that conversation as he tugged me back under his arm and kissed the top of my head. Walking along the wet sand until the music, partying and the light were in the distance. Parker brought me over to the sand dunes and sat down. A couple of hours passed as we made jokes and small talk but I could feel it amping up to something serious.

"Why'd you come round to watch me sleep the other night?" I whispered laying down and watching the beautiful clear sky and sparkling stars. Parker lay down next to me and remained quiet I knew he was thinking.

Funny. Situations were now reversed. I couldn't seem to shut up and he was thing too hard.

For the first time ever I took his hand in mine and rolled onto my side half on him "Parker?" "Yer" "what's going on?" "Everything" he looked down at me and our intertwined hands and bodies.

He leant over and rolled us getting on top of me I laughed and tried to push him off but he stayed determinedly where he was.

Lust and passion filled the air and Parker's smooth soft lips connected with mine. A bomb seemed to explode within us as hands and lips tried to get as much skin as possible.

Parker's hand slid up my top I gasped and he brought his lips back to mine the deep kiss was pure bliss.

Boy did he know how to make a girls toes curl.

I mirrored his moves kissing him back with just as much gusto and slid my hands under his shirt. Hearing a moan pass through his lips before his strong arms picked me up as if I weighed nothing I wrapped my legs around his hips.

Parker sat us up and skillfully removed my shirt over my head then continued his assault on my body.

Within minutes he'd lost his shirt and my shorts were also gone. We were so wrapped up in each other.

I didn't want it to stop.

Our breathing hot and heavy I was thankful we'd walked so far away from everyone and rested in the shrubbery on the dunes.

Parker's fingers lit a fire along my body moving them from massaging my breasts to my bikini strings at my side the other on my neck. "Parker" I moaned eager for whatever he wanted my bikini then disappeared completely.

I couldn't think about anything but his warm strong body on mine. Grinding my hips in rhythm with his I needed more of him. Lips continued their voyage down from my lips running down my neck and into my cleavage.

He was a master at work. Lips, tongue and teeth made me wetter than ever as he drew a peak into his mouth and bit slightly on my nipple before soothing it with his hot tongue.

My hands tangled in his hair and I enjoyed his attention. The night air was a cold contrast to his touch and embrace as his hands moved I could still feel the warmth trail over me.

It. Was. Heaven.

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