Falling for.....chapter thirteen

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If I got away from Cameron and the condo it seemed to mean Parker and the beach.

My subconscious was totally screwing me over hardcore.

"KRISTIE?" could I lay still and he'd simply look past me here's hoping. As his heavy boots crunched on the gravel then the sand coming closer my heart started to skip a beat. "KRISTIE?" ok Parker sounded worried maybe I should call out.

"If you are here with someone else you'd better hope I don't find the two of you half dressed" what a prick! Situations reversed I'd need to worry but me I was the closest thing in our town to a lilly white god damn virgin.

"I didn't see his car so I'll assume you're not rubbing it in my face bringing some dickhead here as cruel pay back" I almost laughed

All of a sudden he was smirking down at me and I was trying not to smirk back "hey asshole" he raised an eyebrow "step up or down from stalker I wonder?" "Lowest of the low" I helped out he nodded seeming unfazed.

"You're out here alone because?" I would never fess up that I couldn't sleep so I let Parker wonder. "Fight with Cameron?" He sounded so hopeful but Parker was only kidding "fight with Karla?" "We're like two peas in a pod" I replied shaking my head moving the sand as I went.

His grin grew "sick of hearing all the springs going next door and the bed head hitting the wall?" I burst out laughing "yer that's it" now he'd made me laugh. He sat down across from me seeming satisfied "I'm positive I told you to let me know next time you wanted a camp out" "fuck you and the horse you rode in on" his grin continued to grow bigger than I thought it ever could have.

Damn it I was enjoying his banter. No longer able to stay angry at him for leaving. Disappointed yer that would take a little longer to wear down.

"Wow that's a little graphic coming from your mouth. I should put you over my knee and spank you" blushing furiously he laughed and moved closer so our legs were touching. Glad to see that he felt like he had to earn the right to touch me.

"Well I'll keep that idea with me for a while hey?" "Sure whatever floats your boat Parker" I'd said it without thinking and he took me on my word. "Really?" "It's a figure of speech" he wasn't listening. He stood up and took two steps lent down and scooped me into his arms.

"It was a figure of speech you crazy asshole" I repeated until he sat down cradling me in his lap. This spot of the dunes looked too familiar. "Why'd you bring us here?" I asked trying to detangle myself from his vice like grip. "Why do you think?" He challenged "so the happy times could rub off on me" "is it working?" Parker the smart ass had returned.

"No." "I'm glad I didn't find you with someone else down here" "would have bruised your ego?" "nar I would have gotten into another fight" I just assumed he meant like the bonfire until he reached up and tucked a loose piece of fringe behind my ear.

His knuckles were bloody and skinned raw he didn't even try to hide them when I took his hand gently in mine and then looked up into his never ending deep blue eyes "who's hurt worse?" "Don't know don't care" "real mature Parker what was it about?" he smirked and I didn't like it. That smirk meant horrible things.

"Well aren't you chatty now" he joked taking his hands out of mine and wrapping them securely around my waist again "Parker why'd you get into a fight?" He lent forward and tried to kiss me but I pulled back.

"You just got back. Why are you fighting?" I pushed "come on Kristie drop it. I was being stupid" "so nothing new" he chuckled again.

"I'm moving back to Melbourne permanently" he stated with a very serious face.

I was utterly lost in what I was meant to do or say.

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