B3-3: Magicians, Dinosaurs, and Octopuses... Oh My!

942 36 16

3rd Person's POV

"No I'm not gonna calm down... I'm totally freaking out."

Peter paces back and forth in his apartment while speaking rapidly on the phone with his aunt.

"I'm sorry. I know you're trying to help. I just don't understand. One second she's fine talking to me on the phone. The next she disappears... Yeah okay... I'm going to go look around... if you could that would be really helpful. Okay great... bye."

Peter runs his hands through his wild hair and falls back to slump into the couch behind him.

He stares ahead at a framed picture of him and Mila when they were in high school. Groaning his head falls back onto the cushion of the chair and he stares at the ceiling above.

"What have you gotten yourself into now Mila?"


"I'm so sorry for dragging you into this. Listen, you just gotta help me find these guys--"

Mj smiles shaking her head, "You don't have to apologize, okay? You got us a second shot at MIT."

Ned looks around at the trapped monster villains and frowns, "So, how did the bad guys get here?"

Young Peter hesitates before answering, "Dr. Strange doesn't-"

"He screwed up a spell trying you into college." Doctor Strange interrupts replying nonchalantly.

Mj snaps her head to Young Peter staring at him in disbelief.

Mila chuckles slumping into a chair nearby, "Uh oh you're in trouble little Peter."

Young Peter rolls his eyes then sheepishly smiles at Mj.

"I thought it was You did it with magic?! the MIT lady you saved."

Young Peter shrugs, "Uh, no, that was after. Listen let's just focus on the good news, okay?"

Doctor Strange scoffs crossing his arms over his chest, "No, let's just focus on the bad news: as of now, you have detected zero multiversal trespassers, so... get on your phones, scour the Internet, and Scooby-Doo this shit."

Mj laughs, then stares at Doctor Strange with a blank stare, "You're telling us what to do even though it was your spell that got screwed up, meaning that all of this is kinda your mess. You know, I know a couple of magic words myself, starting with the word 'please.'"

Dr. Strange softens, charmed, "Please Scooby-Doo this shit."

"Aw the tin man does have a heart." Mila jokes.

Mj snorts out a laugh and high fives Mila. The two girls chuckle as Doctor Strange rolls his eyes. Young Peter looks between the two girls and smiles lightly. They were very similar to one another.

"You can work in the Undercroft." Doctor Strange says as he begins to walk away.

Ned smiles staring in awe, "The Undercroft?!"

The four follow Strange to another area and as a lightbulb turns on, it reveals... The Undercroft, a.k.a. a normal, boring basement.

"Badass!" Ned grins.


A nearby dryer signal goes off. Ned, MJ, and Young Peter take in the Christmas decorations, camping stuff... Ned grabs a crossbow, in awe.

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