B3-4: Talking Lizards, A Sand Man, and A Really Emotional Pregnant Lady

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As Otto tries to break free from his arm restraint, as the Lizard throws a stone in his cell, wallowing in his sadness. Ned sets up his equipment while Mj does some other stuff, including studying Stephen's goatee template. Mila sits on a medicine ball as practices calm breaths like she learned in her birthing classes.

Ned glances over at Mila then does a double take, "Where did you get that stuff from?"

Mila was currently knitting a baby hat as she did her breathing exercises.

"I asked Bill Nye the science guy to get it for me."

Mj snorts from across the room, "Good one."

Mila smiles nodding, "Thanks."

Ned frowns confused, "Wouldn't Houdini be better? You know magic?"

Mila and Mj stare at Ned with straight faces making him clear his throat before busting out laughing.

"Bill Nye! That's genius Mila!"

The lizard rolls his eyes in his cave muttering, "Oh brother," to himself.

Peter scrubs his suits with foam thoroughly, desperately trying to coax the green paint out, while also having a conversation with aunt May on the phone.

"If it won't come off, bring it to the shelter and I'll get it out."

Peter frowns, "No, no, no, May. We gotta find these guys first."

"Well, finish your mission, then come by."

Peter realizes he can't wash the paint away. He has turned the suit inside out, where the fabric is black with gold wiring.

"That could work..."

"I got one, I got one, I got one." Ned says excitingly.

Peter raises an eyebrow before standing up quickly, "Oh, May? I gotta go."

"Okay. Love you. Bye."

Peter and MJ gather around Ned's desktop. He shows them the result of his research on his laptop.

"I mean, you can take the guy out of the chair, but you can't take the chair out of the guy."

Mila slaps her hand on her forehead, "And you thought my jokes were rough."

Peter smiles sneaking his head, "What did you find?"

"There's a... disturbance near a military research facility outside of the city, and witnesses say they saw a monster flying through the air."

"That's gotta be the guy I saw on the bridge, right?"

"That's impossible."

Peter steps in Octavius' direction, who has his back turned, "You know him, don't you? On the bridge, you said his name."

"Norman Osborn."

Mila's head snaps up as she finally tunes into the conversation seriously. She knew the suit looked familiar. She remembered it bra she of Harry Osborn.

"Brilliant scientist. Military researcher. But he was greedy. Misguided."

"What happened to him?" Peter asks.

Octavius turns around, enraged, "WE TIRE... OF YOUR QUESTIONS, BOY!"

Mila raises an eyebrow as she stands up and walks over to stand beside Peter, "Yell at him again and you will get a face full of pepper spray."

Peter pats Mila's arm reassuringly.

"It can't be him." Octavius whispers.

Mj frowns stepped forward as well. She was now fully invested, "Why?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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