Book 3: The Runaway

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Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed, and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang. And although his airbending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe Aang can save the world.


The episode opens in Fire Fountain City, where a giant statue of Fire Lord Ozai roaring is shown with flames coming from the fists and out of the mouth. The camera moves down to Toph, who is seen running from someone, but turns around and is caught with a net and falls to the ground. She angrily looks in front of her at someone.

Toph: How could you do this to me? You betrayed me!

The camera cuts to a shot of Katara, who is glaring back at Toph.

Katara: You brought this on yourself. I had no choice.

She turns away from Toph with her arms folded. Toph is dragged away in the net, all the while glaring back at Katara. The screen suddenly pauses as our protagonist walks on screen.

Lü: Hi. It's me again. I know what your thinking- "Oh my god did Katara really just betray Toph and turned her in to the Fire Nation?" Well you Wattpad readers... you bet your sweet bippy she did. But to understand how this happened we have to go to the beginning.

The scene fades to the South Pole from Book 1 as it freezes again.

The scene fades to the South Pole from Book 1 as it freezes again

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Lü: NO! Not that far... I meant three days ago. What am I working with here amateurs? Bad enough the last two chapters I barely spoke, I'm the main character dammit! Roll it Bobby!

The screen fades to three days earlier. Toph and Katara are seen facing each other, each taking a fighting stance, the latter controlling two streams of water in her hands. Aang appears on the screen, tying his headband over his eyes like a blindfold.

Aang: Okay. I'm ready for some training.

He turns to face the girls and takes two steps forward in a stance similar to Toph's. Upon impact with the second step, he picks up vibrations from the ground with seismic sense. He quickly dodges three earth pillars that appear out of the ground near him. He hears a water attack coming from Katara and redirects it at her. He quickly launches a boulder at Toph who catches it and stops it.

Toph: Good job, Twinkle Toes. Visualize, then attack.

She launches the boulder back at Aang, who burrows into a hole with earthbending. The boulder instead hits Katara square in the chest, knocking her down. She stands back up and brushes dust off of her.

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