Gamble Of Existence (p2)

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The red sun shined up on the sands as the flaming  disc slowly  descended into the horizon.

The crimson rays upon the dulled blue sky indicated the long night ahead as Magrib Adhan echoed through the land.

Cold winds started to ring the dangling bells as there was silence in the now deserted bar. The bar tender shivering behind the counter stared at the cold blooded display at front.

The place was in a mess.

The stack of cards and black chips rested scattered on the floor. Broken glass with wasted juice. A child frozen in one spot, not even daring enough to speak up.The man of gamble clutched onto his cards as he was passed out on the floor in defeat.

The silver knight and the elderly were back into consciousness as they took time to adapt to their current situation.

In front of all raven stood silent in ambivalence.

Everything was under control... 

Was it ?

Asked the Raven to himself as he remained silent after the duel.

His eyes shifted in cluelessness. Breathing slightly heavy. His stares were not being present in reality.

He felt unease and  felt a sudden emptiness in the air. He couldn't brush of the feeling that something was off.

His guts told him something bad was upon him.

Or someone close.

" We need to move... Fast.."(Jk)

Fastly he uttered.

He turned without even showing any attention to knight and hermit.

Joseph and Polnereff watched the young blood strode out of the exit heading into the streets. The two men shared a confused look and hurried behind to catch up.

While they hurried through the street, white noticed the elderly's expression getting heavier as well. He looked at raven who was more impatient and way ahead.

Seeing them made the white worry as the adhans slowly faded with sky losing its last bit of light.

The streets were getting darker as there was little to no people.

The bustling and lively hot streets were now cold empty dark alleyway.

Thoughts were more prominent in that silence.

Soon they heard sirens and the sound of the crowd ahead.

Upon hearing, all three of them looked ahead as a flash of red and blue reflected on ravens slowly tensed eyes.

The steps became faster and bigger as raven begun to run at the source.

White and elderly seeing the run just hoped it wasn't what came in their mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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