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3rd person POV

'With the owner dead, the special ability leaves him..' Fyodor exclaims nonchalantly  as he watches a white crystal appear from dazai's dead body .

'This is the first time in my life that my heart has raced so much...this isn't It!!!!!' Shibusawa whose face  had been intrigued by the crystal suddenly contorts as the crystal turns red all of a sudden.

The crystal starts to turn into a huge ball of energy almost as if it would explode any moment while fyoder smirks at the scene from the sidelines.

Atsushi POV

'Don't open that door. Though you have neither the courage or dignity' A voice  exclaims as i try to walk towards the door in a cold tone.

I look towards the voice and see that it's none other than the headmaster of my orphanage.

'Don't worry, no one expects anything of you . It wouldn't matter if you lost that tiger ability of yours .' The headmaster says in a icy tone as his eyes are filled with hatred.

'I won't listen to you..' I exclaim with determination as i make my way towards the door and grab the handle .

'Once you know , you can't go back to not knowing. If you've made it to the door, it isn't locked. Go of your own will and die.' The headmaster exclaims as walks away leaving me to choose what happens next is all because of myself.

'What should I...? No.. I'm not definitely not giving up..'I exclaim as I pull the door open to see what awaits on the other side using all my strength.

As the door opens , I'm met with a sight of the past me being tortured while sitting on an electric chair screaming in pain as man standing in the midst of it looks curious to know the result of such an experiment.

The past me suddenly forms into a tiger and scratches the man who looks shocked at the twist as the tiger scratches him though the face leaving three claw marks as he died.

'I remember now...that moment, i used my claws...'I exclaim as i look towards the dead body surrounded with blood with downcast eyes.
3rd person POV

'Because I heard your special ability was one that guided that envy of all other gifted. A Russian man named fyoder.'  Shibusawa exclaims as he begins to recall what actually happened that day .

That day was when he had died , and he had forgotten about his own death and made a room to collect and manage yourself in.

'That moment you killed me with those claws of yours..' shibusawa says suddenly after his recollection of the past had been completed.

'What do you expect?! I wanted to live!' A boy always uses the claws of a tiger in order to live! Atsushi exclaims in agony and pain as he recalls of his traumatic past.

Chuuya POV

oya what's going on here? A familiar voice exclaims as through the call, as my eyes widen to realise its owner.

Y/n chan?! how did you....? Both me and the glasses guy exclaim in unison.

Ahh, I just wanted to help out! so what's the situation ango san? y/n exclaims in a serious tone as ango apparently begins to inform both of the situation.

'What is A5158's current location?' The guy with glasses exclaims as he lose his composure of seeing the red dragon.

'Get your shit together, scrub' I exclaim as I look towards the back door of the plane open.

'Chuuya kun, Y/n sorry to say this but  Dazai kun is almost certainly eliminated by now, do you know what that means?' The guy called exclaims with a worried tone.

'That aint happening...besides he promised a double suicide with me...No way in hell is he missing up on that offer' Y/n exclaims with a optimistic tone.

'I can almost say for certain you both are two pea's in a pod...'Ango exclaims in exasperation.

'maybe I shouldn't help out with this dragon.. I aint allowing that double suicide to  ever happen!' I exclaim with a matter of faculty as I begin to walk away,

'WHAT?! Chuuya san! you got to help ! you're the main plot!' I hear Y/n exclaim in shock as she tries to convince me.

'It's cute seeing her flustered like this.' I must say I think to myself and grin.

' I must say I think to myself and grin

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(Chuuya teasing Y/N like:)

'On one condition , No double suicide.. okay?' I exclaim as she agrees with the condition as I begin the preparation this mission.

'Are you sure you want to  do this mission ? , Your haven't taken your life.' Ango exclaims in a serious tone .

'Don't get cocky, asshole. You were a lowly infiltrator six years ago. No one lent you an ear when you opposed employing shibusawa , did they?' I exclaim in a taunting yet matter of faculty tone.

'I-I'm counting on-'  ango begins to speak before I cut him off

'Besides...That dimwit Dazai is inside there. I need to give him a smack . That idiot definitely made Y/n chan worry a shit tone and he's definitely gonna pay with his life .' I exclaim in annoyance while gazing at the re dragon who begins to go out of control and cut the call.

'We're approaching the target.' A women with green hair wearing a suit says as she walks towards me

'I'm tsujimura, are you really going? It's no use, it's a gifted against a human . That thing is a monster beyond human comprehension. You'll definitely die if you're overconfident.' The chick exclaims as matter of faculty as if trying to scare me .

'That's not a reason to chicken out and go you know when it's all right to chicken out and go home?' I ask her with a laid back tone as she shakes her head but before I can reply -

'Chuuya san!! Watch out!!!' A familiar voice exclaims from behind me as i turn around to find Y/n chan?! as she comes out of a door and accidentally pushes me off the plane.

'Eh?' I exclaim as i fall down the plane because of the sudden impact.

'Eh??' Tsujimura exclaims with confusion.

'Eh?????!!' Y/N chan exclaims as she looks towards the scene with shock written all over her face.

'I'm definitely making sure that brat Yuki removes that ability of your's!!' I exclaim loudly before beginning to activate my ability.


'I'm truly sorry chuuya san!!!!' I Exclaim loudly as i feel a dark anime cloud of regret envelop me.

'Who are you....?' The women called tsujimura exclaims in a confused tone.

'Ahh , don't worry about me. I'm just gonna die from shame anyway' i exclaim as i walk towards the opened door where i pushed of chuuya like a plank.

'Oi Y/N chan, Help me you out already! It's time for the new and approved double black to fight against this shitty dragon. Besides that dimwit Dazai is in there .' Chuuya exclaims loud enough for me to hear as I nod in response.

'Tsujimura San! It was nice meeting you! You look as beautiful as the day i saw you!' I exclaim with a flirty tone as i jump off the plane.

'What on earth....?' I hear tsujimura sigh as she looks towards the dragon anticipating the battle to begin.

Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple Dimension GapWhere stories live. Discover now