A certain visit~

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Y/n Pov

'L/n san, do you have any idea where dazai san went?' Atsushi asks me with a confused look as he sighs in exasperation.

'Atsushi kun, if we didn't find him in any of the place I mentioned then that means-' I exclaim with a sad smile as I look towards the sky with a reminiscent look.

'l/n san?' atsushi suddenly exclaims with a tone laced with confusion, as I gesture him to follow me.


'I never knew this place existed in Yokohama.. ' Atsushi exclaims as he looks at the the graveyard in front of us.

'Atsushi kun, Look over there..' I whisper softly as I point towards the grave dazai is leaning against.

'Dazai san?' Atsushi mutters as he looks at the direction where I'm pointing to see dazai as I gesture him to be quiet.

3rd person pov

As dazai leans back against odasaku's grave he looks towards up and as soon as he sees Y/N staring at him with gentle smile his eyes lights up in response as he looks towards her smiles.

As dazai leans back against odasaku's grave he looks towards up and as soon as he sees Y/N staring at him with gentle smile his eyes lights up in response as he looks towards her smiles

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'y/n chan, You really do know me well huh?' Dazai exclaims as he slowly rests a part of his hand on her cheek.

'of course, Atsushi kun and me were looking for you..'Y/n exclaims as she points towards atsushi kun who is standing a bit further away with his hands clasped together and eyes closed.

'Atsushi kun, do you know whose grave this is?' Dazai asks out loud towards atsushi, as y/n sits down next to dazai as he leans his head against her shoulder.

'No..but the person is someone dear to you right?' atsushi exclaims with a curious tone as dazai glances towards atsushi and nods.

 'what makes you think that?' dazai asks atsushi with a slightly curious tone.

'Well, I never seen dazai san pay a visit to a grave before..'Atsushi says as he bends towards the grave to read its inscription.

'Does it look like I'm visiting a grave?' Dazai exclaims with a confused expression as atsushi nods in response causing his eyes to widen a bit before smiling a little.

'was it a women you were in love with?' atsushi asks out loud in curiosity. Based on l/n san's expression I guess not huh? Atsushi exclaims with a nonchalant expression.

'huh?!' I exclaim out loud as heat rushes up to my cheeks as dazai laughs in response to atsushi's amazing deduction..

'y/n chan is teaching well huh?' dazai exclaims with a grin as he slowly removes his head away from me looks at me with a smirk.

'osamu , Don't agree with him..'Y/n exclaims with an embaressed look as she cover her face with her hands causing atsushi to giggle in response.

'He is a friend, A man who gave me a reason to quit the mafia and join the ADA instead. Without him I might have stayed in the mafia killing people, I'm kidding..'Dazai explains to atsushi as he stands up as he lends his hand to help y/n stand up.

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