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Y/N pov

After the huge fiasco, me and dazai san went out on a date as planned, and right now we're just strolling about in an aquarium .

'dazai san! dazai san! don't these fishes look amazing! and these two look soo cutee!' i exclaim as i walk over to each fish tank in awe.

'dazai san! dazai san! don't these fishes look amazing! and these two look soo cutee!' i exclaim as i walk over to each fish tank in awe

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(Aquarium date be like:)

'Im glad you like it Y/n chan!~' that one reminds me of you dazai says as he points to a fish in particular as i look towards it and smile.

As both me and dazai san ,  sit in a bench near a huge fish tank  .. waiting for the dolphin show to begin.

'Y/N chan~ Im hungry! how long is it gonna take for the show to start?' dazai san exclaims as he whines out loud while leaning his head against my shoulder.

'you're right! it has been a while ~ Ill go check near the setup and buy us some snacks!' i exclaim as i begin to stand when dazai pulls me towards him and envelopes me in a hug.

'No ... Don't go... I'll go get it .. besides I have kunikida kun's card!' dazai says he swipes out kunikida's card which he has hidden in his pocket to show me.

'Alright! .....Dazai san, Take care ~' I exclaim as i look towards dazai and wink knowing what he's upto as his eyes widen but looks at me with a gentle smile and nods.

Dazai POV

'Y/n chan, really is perspective huh...'I think to myself as I walk towards a area where no one is in sight.

'why don't you come out now Akutagawa kun?~ 'I exclaim as i glance behind me to see him enter the area without anyone noticing his presence.

'Good afternoon, DAzai san. ' Akutagawa exclaims as he responds quite formally.

'To think you actually came, I knew getting Yuki kun out of the mafia wouldn't be that easy. 'I exclaim as I mutter out loud as i sigh in exasperation.

'No...Boss took him out of the mafia and believed you when you told him he can no longer use his ability....The reason I came here was- ' Akutagawa says as he slowly begins to explain himself when I cut him off.

But before I can retort back, A flashback suddenly appears to what Y/n told me a few days ago.

Flashback ~

'Dazai san~ You really need to be a bit kind aku kun...'Y/n exclaims in a serious tone .

'What brought this up Y/n chan?' I ask her for bringing up this topic.

'No, that guy worked hard during this fight and will definitely help out more in the future so you gotta be a bit nice to him!' Y/n exclaims as she looks at me in a commanding tone.

'Cute... but I guess she's right huh...' I think to myself as I nod in understanding to Y/N's suggestion as she hugs me in delight.

Back to present ~

'Thanks for worrying.' I exclaim As I look at akutagawa with a slight smile as he stiffens up.

'You sure you don't want to meet Y/N chan, she seemed pretty down because she couldn't hug you after the fight with shibusawa apparently. 'I exclaim as a gentle laugh escapes my mouth thinking about Y/N's antics .

'It's alright DAzai san, but....You really have changed ..' I hope you remain this way . Akutagawa exclaims as he bows and leaves .

'He'll never change....' I mutter to myself as I look at that kid leaving and return back to Y/N chan .


'You went to a Aquarium? ' Chuuya exclaims as he looks at akutagawa emerging from am aquarium as he was waiting inside a car on the opposite side .

'Yeah.. ' Akutagawa exclaims as he walks to the black car and opens and sits next to his senior.

'You met DAzai didn't you...?' Chuuya exclaims as he looks at the small smile on akutagawa's face.

'Don't know what you're talking about.' Akutagawa mutters as he brings up his poker face and looks outside the window.

'That guy... wait if Dazai is in the aquarium that means Y/N chan is there too!' Chuuya exclaims as he tries to get out of the car when akutagawa grabs his arm.

'You shouldn't interrupt their date..'  Akutagawa mutters out loud as chuuya's eyes widen .

'Are You really akutagawa? What happened at  the Aquarium?'  Chuuya exclaims confusion but getting no response he just sighs and orders the driver to take them to the next destination .

DAzai san, welcome back! They said the show is gonna start in a few minutes!'  I exclaim with a sweet smile as i see him come back .

'Seriously! Let's go quickly!' DAzai exclaims as he grabs my hand as we walk towards the show hand in hand.


'I hope this happiness lasts , I don't want this to be taken away from me just like all other things i have desired which vanished as soon i touched it. I think to myself as I look at the match box from Lupin bar .'

3rd person POV

'Where are those two idiot's?!' Kunikida screams outloud while working on his documents.

'They went on a date ~' Ranpo exclaims in a matter of faculty tone as he stuffs some chips in his mouth.

'Yepp, kunkida san ...you really should stop being jelaous of the new couple in the ADA' Yuki exclaims in a matter of faculty tone.

'I'm not jelaous! what are you doing here? I thought you were going on a vacation or something?' Kunikida asks Yuki with confusion.

'My flights tonight ~ besides I can't even use my ability anymore since DAzai san told me that's the only way out of the mafia... My dream of setting up an organization... has ended...' Yuki exclaims outloud as if he were cursing the heavens

'Just be grateful, you got out of the mafia...!' Kunkida exclaims as he ruffles yuki's hair.

'Okayyyy....can't believe he told them I was stupid enough to use my ability on myself so it got cancelled out... The amount of pity on their eyes will forever be engraved in my memory... 'Yuki exclaims as he sighs in defeat as everyone looks at him and laughs .

'Stop laughing everyone!' Yuki exclaims outloud as he begins to pout.

'DAzai san seems to have really changed after Y/n san came to the ADA... ' Tanizaki Exclaims with a grin as the whole ADA nods

'That vagabond.. As long he doesn't affect my work I'm fine with whatever he does ..' Kunikida mutters to himself suddenly as he catches himself nodding to tanizaki's statement.

'You're definitely a tsundere kunikida san...' Atsushi exclaims as he laughs in response.

'Where did you learn such a thing?!' Kunikida shouts with an annoyed tone.

'Kyouka chan, let's go for the next mission!' Atsushi exclaims as he avoids the topic and runs away with kyouka for the next mission.

'Those two are such a bad influence on him...' kunikida mutters to outloud with a sigh.

'I agree ~ ' both Atsushi and kyouka exclaim who apparently heard as they grin at each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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