An unlikely turn of events~

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Y/n Pov

'Achoo! why do I feel like someone is out to kill me.. 'I think to myself as I  feel a shiver run up my spine.

'this emergency passage was made in case of a gifted attack. the fog won't reach us here.' Akutagawa exclaims with his usual serious tone.

'Wow, the bad guys seem more prepared than the good one's. I respect that!' I exclaim with a wink.

'L/n san, I think you shouldn't say this in front of the president or kunikida san. but what is that fog akutagawa? 'Atsushi kun mutters with a sigh.

 'It's the dragon's breath. Kyouka with neither of us having any abilities you could kill me with your assassination skills.' Akutagawa exclaims towards kyouka as he looks towards her with a blank look.

'She won't do it aku kun.' I exclaim with a small smirk.

'L/n san is right! Kyouka chan doesn't think of you anymore!!' Atsushi exclaims with an irritated tone.

'So do you want to settle this without our abilities?' Akutagawa asks out loud while looking at atsushi with a taunting look.

'So the only way is by defeating our abilities to get it back huh?' I exclaim with an exasperated sigh.

'Then does that mean you're targeting Shibusawa too?' Atsushi asks with a slight nervous tone as akutagawa nods and explains why.

'we wont kill anyone! that's not what the agency does.' Atsushi exclaims with a determined tone.

'You're quite something weretiger. I mean even kyouka and l/n san knows what this job entails, after all both have a close connection with mafia.' Akutagawa exclaims as he looks at me with a serious look in his eyes.

'I left to live in light of the day, the agency's killings and the mafia have different ways of killings.' Kyouka chan exclaims with a determined look.

'She's right,  I wouldn't mind killing but If there is a reason I don't care either way.' I exclaim with a smirk.

3rd person pov

'The roles are reversed between these two...' Both atsushi and akutagawa think at the same time with a weary look.

Y/n pov

'Anyway, If this would have happened before dazai san joined the enemy we could have stopped this scenario from happening.' Akutagawa exclaims as he glances at me.

'Dazai san would never do such a thing! right l/n san?!' Atsushi kun exclaims as he looks at me for approval.

'Of course he wouldn't betray anyone!' I exclaim with a wink as all akutagawa looks at me with widen eyes.

'But he did betray the mafia, so in short the one who is going to kill dazai san is me.' Akutagawa exclaims with a glare.

'Do you think you can kill dazai san? I wont let you kill dazai san!' Atsushi exclaims as he holds a gun against akutagawa.

'L/n san, Isn't the heroine supposed to say that line right?' Kyouka chan exclaims as she looks at me curiously as I feel a arrow hit right through my heart as I mutter 'sorry, I'm a failure as a female lead' with a dejected look.

The door opens and akutagawa begins to walk away from us, while the rest of us stay in the elevator.

'Aku kun, I would love it if you could kill your ability a bit sooner though so i can be able to use it okay?' I exclaim in a happy go lucky tone.

'Of course I will, You should be worried about jinko right? I dont even think he can do it 'Akutagawa exclaims as he walks further away.

'What?!! that's not true right?!' Atsushi exclaims in a irritated tone as he glances at me for support but I act as if I'm scrolling through the internet.

'L/n san, Phone services dont work here so what are you doing? I think telling it directly i more suitable.' Kyouka chan asks me with a innocent tone. 

'Kyouka chan.... I don't think I can handle any more damage so pls stop..' I exclaim as I crouch down and begin growing mushrooms.

'I'm following him.' Kyouka chan exclaims as she walks out of the elevator and walks away as the door closes.

'L/n san, May I join you?' Atsushi kun mutters out loud as I nod in response.

Time skip~

'Atsushi kun, why dont I try using my ability " Jackpot"! ' I exclaim with a confident look as soon as we get outside the elevator.

'But don't you need to defeat that ability first though.. 'Atsushi kun exclaims with a monotone voice.

'He's right.. but that's technically a gift rather than an ability and doesn't even work half the time since it was given to me by someone useless.' I think to myself with a weary look.

'Oh forget it! I'll give it a shot! Ability: Jackpot!' I exclaim with a confident tone and soon a portal appears and I quickly push my head through the portal to check where its destination is.

'Do you see anything l/n san?' Atsushi kun asks curiously as he begins to try to see what's on the other side of the portal.

'Not really, Atsushi kun keep a close eye on our surroundings okay?' I exclaim out loud but I couldn't hear anything just as I'm beginning to give up on my plan-

'L/n san, watch out! my ability!' Atsushi exclaims but before I can do anything I'm pushed inside the elevator completely.

'I can't believe such a cliché still exists!! Oww.. where am I anyway?' I mutter to myself as I slowly get up and look around the place.

'This has got to be dream right?' I think to myself as various scenarios of my death are going through my mind.

'Who are you?' A voice exclaims and I look up to see the demon itself along with his crew in Draconia.

'Fyodor kun?' I think to myself with a pale expression and as soon as I see dazai i understood completely that this was definitely not a dream. 

I didn't know what to do, so I said the first thing that came to my otaku mind...

'I'm you're fan! Nice to meet you!'  I exclaim as I bow my head whereas in my inner self i feel myself crying out of frustration.

Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple Dimension GapWhere stories live. Discover now