Annoying chuuya~

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??? POV

'Chibi?'I  exclaim out loud  as I realise that this guys chuuya from bungou stray dogs, the anime which my sis loved to watch but my comment  causes the guy with the hat to look at me with an annoyed expression as he tries to punch me but i immediately dodge it and look at him with a sly grin.

'You asshole! Men, capture the guy!!' The chibi exclaims out loud as the guys wearing suits surround me and aim their guns at me.

'Wait..If I try to escape I might end up paying for the flight if i have to reach yokohama, and based on all the fanfics I have read the MC joins the ADA but that's too monotonous so..!' I think to myself with a devilish smirk as the other guys ready their guns and point it towards me.

'I want to join the mafia!' I exclaim outloud with a determined look as I look at chuuya with stars in my eyes.

'What?! Your'e kidding me!!'  They all scream at the same  as chuuya's eyes including the others eyes widen in response.

'So is this the car which is going to drive us to the airport? It looks amazing!' I exclaim as I sit inside the car and gesture for chuuya to come inside.

'You..! Stop acting like your'e already a member!' Chuuya exclaims with an irritated expression.

' you really think you can talk to me like that?' I ask him with a sadistic smirk.

'Heh~ Want to test it out right now?' Chuuya exclaims with a sly grin.

'Sure, let's do that..'I exclaim as I take out my hand and suddenly as expected a red glow appears on my hand as chuuya's eyes widen in response as the other port mafia members look at me with a terrified look.

'Don't tell me..' Chuuya matters with a bewildered look which causes my smirk to deepen.

'Of course, I have not only deleted your ability but now I can use your ability as well.' I exclaim with a taunting look towards chuuya as he looks at me with a glare that could kill.

'You know what, I'll kill you with or without my ability!' Chuuya shouts at me as he looks at me and glares.

'Why don't you just take to me to you're headquarters and we can solve this out! I mean if you kill me you'll never get your ability back and maybe they'll remove you from the mafia!!' I exclaim with a nonchalant expression. 

'........! Fine! Follow me, you asshole!' Chuuya mutters as he order the guys to handcuff my hands as they make me sit inside their car and we rush towards the airport.


After landing in the airport, we reach Yokohama. Chuuya immdiatly instructs me to walk behind him as we head to a car and sit down.

'So your'e name is Yuki l/n huh? wait.. why do I feel like Ive heard that name somewhere before?' chuuya exclaims with a confused look as he scans through the papers and begins reading the information he had got about me outloud.

'So you ran away from the orphanage when you were 11 years old and got adopted by some rich guy and now you were in a business trip with your'e parents huh?' Chuuya exclaims with a thoughtful look.

'Amazing~ I didn't know that you can get an information so fast!' I exclaim as I look at chuuya with a mesmarised look as he blushes a bit at the praise.

'But,listen here kid if you want to join the port mafia you have to kill a lot of people and do a ton of illegal acts too.' Chuuya exclaims as he explains the situation to me with a serious look on his face.

'Really?! I can't believe my dreams coming true!' I exclaim as I look at him with a happy go lucky smile.

'That was your dream?!!' Chuuya shouts at me as he looks at me with an exasperated look.

'Don't worry chuuya san, I'll give your ability back soon!' I exclaim as he looks at me and nods unwillingly as we slowly reach the headquarters.

'We're here, Yuki follow me.' Chuuya exclaims with a serious look as he gestures me to follow him.

'Woah~ this building's awesome! Chuuya san, what's that room for?!'  I ask him outloud with starry eyes.

'That's the room where the important meetings take place..' Chuuya exclaims as he glances at me as some of the port mafia guards pass towards and give him a slight nod before passing us.

'What does that hallway lead to?!' I ask outloud with curious grin.

'That leads to my office.' Chuuya exclaims with a thoughtful look.

'Hey Hmm... chuuya san,  what's that hallway lead too?' I ask him with a curious tone every five seconds.

'You bastard, stop acting like a tourist!'  Chuuya exclaims towards me with an irritated expression.

3rd person pov

 You're the one who's acting like a guide..All the port mafia guards think to themselves as they look at their executive with a nervous look on their faces.

Yuki PoV

'Are we there yet?  I'm bored~' I exclaim as I whine out to chuuya in a song song voice.

'Shut up! Anyway we're here..' Chuuya exclaims as he knocks on this big door in front of me and a voice responds confirming him to enter.

As soon as the door opens, I'm met with the port mafia's lolicon boss and the blonde girl named Elise as they stare at me confused.

'Looks like they were playing darts huh?' I think to myself exasperatedly as mori looks at me and grins.

'Ah, so you're Yuki kun huh? Chuuya kun told me you wanted to join the mafia and about you're extraordinary ability'. Mori exclaims as he looks at me with a curious expression.

'Yepp! So what's the process of joining?'I ask with a curious expression as chuuya looks at me with slight widen eyes.

'You know this is a first.. where I've seen a person who is so happy to join the mafia.. seems suspicious.'Elise exclaims as she glances at me before eating her cupcake.

'Elise chan is right, Yuki kun why do you want to join the mafia?' Mori asks me as he looks at me with accusing yet curious eyes.

'I'm in love with chuuya.' I exclaim with a innocent grin.





'What?! What the hell did you just say?!!   Chuuya exclaims with a bewildered look as a blush covers his face.

'I'm just joking~' I exclaim as I stick out my tongue at him as he clenches his fist in anger.

'To be honest, I just wanted something thrilling to happen in my life.' I exclaim as I look at mori with a hidden smile.

' I see, okay then yuuki kun Welcome to the port mafia!' Mori exclaims as he looks at me with a smirk.

'Wha..? Boss,are you serious?!' Chuuya exclaims as he looks at the boss with a shocked look.

'Wow, I already feel illegal! Chuuya san, I'm going to call you sensei!' I exclaim as I look at chuuya with a determined look.

'You're kidding me..right? Do whatever you want!' Chuuya exclaims as he looks away in response but I can see  a slight grin on his face.

'Now, Yuki for your first mission why don't give back chuuya his ability?' Mori asks me with a hidden smile.

 'Pass~  Any other other mission boss?' I exclaim with a grin.

'You bastard! Finish this mission first!!' Chuuya exclaims as he tries to punch me but I immediately dodge his attack.

Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple Dimension GapWhere stories live. Discover now