Chapter 45~ Hayley's Baby

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As I enter my home, Tommy walks over to me, kissing my lips softly.

"Try not to yell too much" He whispers. Confused, I walk into the kitchen to see Zoe leaning on the fridge, holding a bag of frozen peas on her eye.

"Why are you home, it's only 1:03? What happened to your eye?" I ask, confused.

"I got sent home, for two reasons actually." She smirked. I fold my arms.

"Get that smirk off your face, it was your first day back!" I yell.

"Yeah well, Joel just happened to forget to tell me Kylie still goes to school" She snaps. "It was self defence and a teacher saw her hit me first, I was only sent home to calm down and Kylie was sent home with yet another broken nose," Zoe explained, I heard Tommy snigger behind me, I turn to him, his smirk disappered quicker than a flash.

"And the second reason?" I ask.

"We have some new English teacher now that you left, who happens to be an old bitch, she yelled at me for getting a question wrong, so I told her to shut the fuck up and get some dick in her life." Tommy suddenly burst out laughing.

"I'm-I'm sorry" He spoke while laughing.

"I don't find any of this amusing, you don't talk to people about that, no matter their age or rudeness." I spoke. "I want you to apologise to the teacher tomorrow, do you understand?"

"Maybe you're the one that needs some D." Zoe laughed.

"For your information, Tommy and I-"

"STOP, oh god don't tell me" Zoe yelled while covering her ears.I smirk. Tommy was still laughing,

"Great, in a house with two teenagers." I roll my eyes. "I'm being serious, cut out that rude attitude." She rolled her eys. I gave up. It's useless.

"Someone should have had the safe sex talk with Tommy here" Zoe giggled, Tommy walked over to her and gave her a noogie, messing her hair up.

"Zoe why did you not tell me about your perscription?" I ask, Tommy lets Zoe go, she suddenly goes silent, fixing her hair. I stood at the bench, waiting for her answer.

"I didn't want to bother you or Tommy, you guys are always arguing, I didn't want to get into the middle of it.." She sighs.

"Well Tracey gave me your meds, they won't disrupt your anti-depressents so you have no excuses not to take them."

Tommy's phone rings suddenly, while he is talking to whomever, I walk over to Zoe, hugging her.

"I'm sorry" She spoke quietly.

"Don't be, just know Tommy and I are here for you, never think that we don't have time for you." I kiss her forehead.

"Guys!" Tommy calls out. "Hayley went into labor!"

We are all currently seated in the waiting room, Monte is in with Hayley. Tommy was anxious about going out in public, his stomach was smaller last time we were out together, luckily there was no media around, so he was safe.

"How long does childbirth even take?" Neil groaned, he was just upset that I dragged him out of bed.

"Be patient, Neil. A baby doesn't just slide out, it takes time" Dad spoke.

"Imagine how Dad felt when Mom was in labor with us. You know Neil, life seemed pretty darn good until Mom was diagnosed with you"

"Diagnosed?" Zoe asked curiously, looking at me.

"Shouldn't you be at school?" Neil asked, Zoe smirked.

"Got sent home for breaking Kylie's nose, again" Dad lightly hit the back of her head, Neil laughed as he hi-fives her. This time, I was the one to hit Neil across the head.

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