Chapter Eight~He's Back

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"Adam! That was an amazing show!" Hayley laughed as we enter the limo to the airport to go back to L.A. I look at Tommy who was falling asleep on my shoulder.
"You guys did amazing" I smile at everyone who looked tired.

As we arrive at the airport we go straight to out gate as our plane was boarding. We give our tickets and then we all board, Tommy and I were next to each other in first class, Hayley and Monte were behind us and Isaac off flirting with any flight attendtant he could.
The flight was long and I fell asleep half way. But we soon landed and were driving back to my house, Monte, Isaac and Hayley went home.
"I hate jetlag" Tommy groaned as his head hit the car window.
"Don't worry, we'll get a good nights rest tonight" I smile.
As I pull up into my driveway, there was a familiar car in the drive-way.
"Isn't that Sauli's car?" Tommy asked, fretting. I nodded as I shut off the engine and walked up the porch to my home. I opened the already unlocked door with Tommy close behind and that's when I saw Sauli standing there.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Adam spat vemously at Sauli. I stayed next to Adam as the last time I saw Sauli, he stabbed me.
"I needed to see you, Adam" He says quietly.
"You have no right to be here! Leave, now!" Adam yells, pointing to the door.
In a split second, someone grabs me from behind.
"ADAM" I scream on the top of my lungs. Someone grabs Adam and Sauli goes up to him.
"I didn't want to do this, Adam. But you leave me no choice." Sauli says grimly as he punches Adam in the rips. The man drops Adam and kicks him in the jaw. I am now on my knees, screaming as Adam looks at me, blood surrounds him. Sauli suddenly pulls a gun out. and then it clicks to me with what he's doing. He is going to kill Adam. He crouches down to Adam's level. "I fucking loved you, did you know that? And you chose him, over me!" He spits. "And then Zoe came and got in my way with everything so I fixed that" He grinned.
"What are you talking about?" I ask as tears spill from my eyes.
"Why do you think she died so quickly? I injected her with a poison that slowly killed her, it went undected by the doctors, I knew Adam would be so torn over her death so I took my chance" Sauli laughed. "BUT THEN YOU FUCKING RUINED IT." He screamed.
"You killed Zoe?" I say quietly to myself. Adam suddenly grabs Sauli and starts beating him. He got pulled off Sauli by the second guy and Sauli stood up, clearly angry.
"You fucking bastard! You killed her you sick son of a bitch!" Adam screamed. "You killed Zoe and Issac! Are you twisted?" He screamed again, Sauli cocked his gun and shot Adam. I thought my whole world froze with time and everything seemed to not register.
"ADAM! NO! ADAM!' I screamed. I got thrown to the ground and the person knocks me out cold..

"Tommy...Tommy, wake up. Help him" I heard Zoe's voice whisper in my ear. My eyes fly open and I see Adam laying there in his own blood. He didn't seem to be moving.
"ADAM!" I screamed as I held his body, my hands were now covered in blood as I tried to wake him up. That's when Neil came into the lounge room.
"Yo Adam I-" He stopped mid-sentence as he saw me on the floor with Adam.
"HELP ME PLEASE" I screamed, Tommy pulled out his phone and dialled 911. I zoned out and kept my gaze on Adam. "You better not fucking leave me, Adam. I need you! We all do. Please don't leave." I cry as I hold onto his lifeless body.
A few moments later, an ambulance pulls up and Adam is taken out of my arms and onto a bed, as we walk outside, the paps are everywhere and a few glamberts I remember were watching, crying. I get into the ambulance with them and tell Neil to meet us there. He nods as I see him get into his car.

We pull into the hospital and Adam is rushed into emergency. A doctor stops me as they take him into the emergency ward. I was in so much shock I couldn't even speak. I fell to my knees. The doctor helped me sit on a chair.
"Sir, I need you to tell me what happened" he asks as he sits down next to me, people were staring, mainly because I was covered in blood.
"Adam, please help him" I cried as I saw Neil and Eber running towards me,
"We'll do our best." The doctor spoke, standing up.
"Tommy, what happened?" Eber asked in a panic. I couldn't speak, all that came out was cries. Neil hugged me.
A few minutes later, I was able to speak.
"We came home after Adam's Denmark tour and Sauli's car was in the drive-way" I say, choking on my words as they came out. A police officer was writing everything down. "He killed Zoe" I cried. Neil looked pale.
"Zoe died of cancer." he says, shaking his head,
"No, she died because Sauli injected her with a poison that kills her slowly" I say while trying to keep composed. "Someone grabbed me and then Adam and then Sauli hit Adam and then Adam attacked Sauli but was dragged off by another person and then.." I stopped as tears flooded my eyes.
"We can stop if you'd like?" The officer says. I shake my head,
"Then Sauli shot Adam. I got knocked out but when I woke up, Adam was laying in his own blood. Then Neil came in," I cried, placing my head into my hands, Eber placed his hands on my back, rubbing it as tears fell from his eyes.
"We'll investigate why Sauli didn't get locked up and how he gained enterance to L.A." The police officer speaks, leaving the room.
"Tommy, Adam will be fine." Neil spoke softly, trying to calm me down.
"I now know how he felt, when I was shot. I know how Adam felt, waiting around for fucking results" I yelled. People stared. I walked up to the counter. "Why aren't they telling me anything?" I yelled, Neil grabbed my arm but I swung my fist and hit Neil in the jaw, I took a slow step back and covered my hand over my mouth. "I'm sorry I-" My sobs over took and I ran outside.

He hit me, I know that he didn't mean to. The look on his face was fear. He sped off outside and a few minutes later, I followed while Dad stayed to keep updated about Adam.
I can't believe that my brother got shot, my big brother is laying in that hospital and his boyfriend is slowly falling apart.
I walk out and I see Tommy sitting on the curb with a smoke. I walk up to him slowly and sit down next to him.
"Hey." I spoke slowly. He looked at me, his eyes all red and puffy.
"I didn't mean to hit you. I am so sorry" He spoke sincerly.
"It's fine, I know you didn't mean to"
"I'm such an idoit." He cried as he took another drag of his smoke and then blowing it out.
"Why?" I asked as he steps on his smoke.
"Because here I am, sulking like a ten year old when you're Adam's family, you guys must be feeling this accident hard."
"Tommy, you love Adam and we classify you as family, Dad and I are keeping strong because we know Adam is a big toughie. He'll make it. Do you know, when he was 10, he beat the shit out of a boy who was 12 because he was picking on me? He made everyone scared of him at the age of ten, and they all lost hope for his future because of how bad Adam was, and now look at him. He has a great boyfriend, a band and the most sucssessful career." I say, Tommy looks at me and laughs. "He'll get through this and I know you will too." I smile and help him stand up. He brushes himself off and stares at me.
"Let's go be with him." He smiles as we walk back into the hospital.

You never think these kind of things would happen. When someone you love dearly gets hurt so bad by someone you thought loved them. I thought Sauli loved Adam because I know for a fact that Adam loved Sauli. I still remember the time I first met Sauli I wasn't too sure with him but Mom just told me to trust Adam's judgement. And look where we're, Adam was shot by his ex because of some jealous bullshit. And to make it worse, Sauli killed not only Issac but Zoe.
No one deserves to be treated like this. Adam was too blind in love to see his world crashing down around him. He had Zoe to keep him from going insane. Maybe when he is all better, I will give him the letter Zoe wrote. But not yet..

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