Chapter 11~Letting Go..

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Another really short chapter, I kinda got major writers block that lasted for about a week. .-. Please don't hate meh. This story is getting happier...TRUST ME I'M A JEDI \m/
"Tommy! Pass me the hammer and nails please" I ask while holding up a sign that has Zoe's name on it.

"Here" He spoke handing me the hammer and two nails. I agline the hammer with the nail.
One down.

"Tommy, next nail" I said as I held it as he handed me the second nail.
I nailed it on and went to pull my hand back which sent a pain shooting through my arm. I yelled out in pain. "Shit" I muttered as blood dripped down my arm...Yes, I nailed my hand to the door.

"What do I do?" Tommy panicked, his face dropped as he realised he had to pull my hand off. "No, I can't." He spoke as he ran his hands through his hair. "Fuck" He spoke as his hand went above mine.

"Babe, just pull." I said. Blood ran down my arm.

"I can't do this!" He spoke, he started panicking. "What if you die?" He cried. I laughed. "Why are you laughing? This is serious, Adam!" He yelled, which made me laugh even harder.

"Get my phone from my pocket and hand it to me." I spoke, he shakily pulled my phone out and handing me the phone, I dialled Neil's number, knowing he'd be pissed as he's at work. He finally answered. Tommy was still panicking. "Calm down, baby" I spoke.

"Adam? What do you want?" He asked with an annoyed tone.

"Neil, can you come over and help me?" I spoke. I look at Tommy and he looks back at me before fainting. Great..

"I can't, Adam. I'm at work" He spoke impatiently.

"Look, I may have nailed my hand to the door and now Tommy has fainted and I need help!" I yelled. I heard not only Neil laughing but other people, which means I'm on loudspeaker. "Neil Lambert! I will ring your neck, this is not a laughing fucking matter!" I yelled, completely done with this. My hand was losing blood and I felt dizzy.

"All-All right Adam..I'll..Be there soon." He laughed, hanging up,

"Tommy!" I yelled. He seemed out cold. My hand throbbed as I stood, watching it. I got Twitter up and posted a tweet.

'I may have nailed my hand to the door. Whoops.' I clicked Tweet and put my phone back into my pocket.

Minutes pass when I hear my front door open and Neil running upstairs and to where I was standing with my hand nailed to the door. He burst out laughing.

"You weren't kidding!" he laughs harder. I glare him.

"Just, help me pull it out" I say sternly. Neil hovers his hand over mine and suddenly, with no warning, pulled my hand from the wall. I screamed as the pain was unbearable. Neil was cracking up with laughter, causing me to glare him.
I went into the kitchen and got a bandage from the first aid kit and wrapped it around my hand.

"Shouldn't we get you to hospital?" Neil asked, sitting trying to contain his laughter.

"I am not going back" I snap. Neil goes quiet.

"I should get back to work" He spoke, I clearly upset him for snapping. I sighed.

"Neil" I groaned as I followed him, he stopped and he looked mad.

"I am sick of your fucking attiutde towards everyone that tries to help. I get that you're sick of being in hospital, so no need to fucking snap at me" He growls. I frown at his little outburst.

"You're sick of my attiutde?" I ask with a frown. "You're having a go at me for fucking nothing"

"Nothing? I apologise for what I am about to say but you need to let Zoe go." He sighs. i feel anger growing inside my stomach. I didn't want to hear this. I turned away. "You need to hear this, Adam" Neil yelled out.

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