Chapter 50~ 6 months On Without you.

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Hey guys. Pretty short chapter. Urm, I hope you all like it though! Next chapter may be the very last. Not too sure yet. I hope everyone liked this story. It's not my best but it's better than nothing. Love you all. ❤❤❤

6 months ago we lost a daughter, a sister and a friend. 6 months have gone so quick and it is hard, it is hard to walk past her room and forget she's gone, her bed hasn't been touched, her clothes are still untouched, we haven't been in there since that night.

Well, I haven't... I haven't seen Tommy since the funeral, it's killing me without seeing him, he won't say it, but he is mad at me, for what I done. Neil wants nothing to do with me...

I go upstairs to my room, pulling out a suitcase, I packed some clothes into it and zipped it up, taking one last glance at my home, I breathed in heavily. I guess they won't mind if I go without a trace, Tommy has the support of Hayley and Monte.


"What the fuck do you mean you can't get a hold of him?" I yell as another pain goes through my stomach, Adam, where the fuck are you?

"Don't worry, Tommy, we will contact him, just breath until we reach the hospital" Hayley sighed as she turned.

This is my fault, I haven't spoken to him since the funeral, knowing Adam, he's probably thinking I don't want him anymore, but I do! Fucking hell, I am having his baby!

"We're here" Eber speaks, helping me out of the car, walking towards the entrance of the hospital. I don't like the feeling of having a baby cut of me. Jesus Christ, I don't know if I am ready.

"Alright Mr Lambert is it?" The nurse asks, I nod my head. "Alright I will go fetch a wheelchair and we will get you straight to OR."

"I am not doing this without Adam" I snarl at Monte, pains getting worse.

"Hayley is trying her best to get a hold of him, Tommy. Don't worry, he will come."


My phone rings for the millionth time, I finally answer it.

"Adam! Fucking finally!" Hayley yelled.

"What do you want?" I sigh as lock the door to my house .

"Tommy is in labour! He is refusing to go in without you! Get your arse here right fucking now so you can have a baby!" Tommy is in labour? Fuck! I am so stupid.

I hang up the phone, getting into my car, speeding down the street. Oh god, I hope I get there before they force him into ER. Tommy is stubborn though, he'll make them wait.

I screech into the carpark, turning the ignition off as quick as I can, bolting inside. I see Tommy arguing with a doctor, pain written on his face.

"Thomas!" I yell loudly, running to him, he hugs me as tight as ever.

"I'm so sorry Adam, I'm so fucking sorry, I was selfish to blame you, you're my husband and I just want you to forgive me." Tommy rambles on and on. I laugh.

"Tommy, we can talk about this later, we have a baby to bring into this world." I smile as I help him into the wheelchair.


"Adam, you can come in to see them now" The nurse speaks softly. I look at Dad and everyone, they nod.

"Go be with your husband, Adam" Hayley smiles. I follow the nurse into the room where Tommy is.

She opens the door.

"He may still be a little under the sedative, but he's awake" She smiles. I walk in to see him holding our baby.

"Hey glitterbaby" I say quietly as I walk over to him.

"We have a little boy, Adam, look at him" TJ smiles, I look down at our son, he had red curly hair and blue eyes, every baby has blue eyes though. I pick him up softly.

"Hey little one, it's Daddy! Oh you're so gorgeous" I smile as I cradle him in my arms.

"Mitchel." Tommy speaks. "I was thinking we name him Mitchel"

"That sounds amazing, baby, Mitchel Kennady Lambert" I smile softly, laying next to Tommy with Mitchel.

"He weighs 8pounds, born 11;36am and he's perfect." Tommy smiles. "Adam, I am so sorry for not talking to you since Zoe's funeral... I was an idiot."

"Tommy, don't worry about it... Zoe would be proud, that you went through this."

"Can you show me your arms Adam?" I stare at him confused.


"So I can see how many times I needed you but I wasn't there." I get off the bed, putting Mitchel into Tommy's arms. "Adam?"

"I-I need some air." I spoke quickly, running out of his room, I bumped into Neil as I ran out of the room.

"Adam? What's wrong?" Neil asked.

"Piss off" I spat, he didn't want to call me his brother, so be it.

"I'm sorry, Adam, okay? I was just angry. I didn't mean it." His words sounded like a blur, sweat fell from my forehead. My body is withdrawing from the drugs... They can't find out... I'm a father now... I can't do this, I need to think about Tommy and my son. "Adam?" Neil asked, I shook with panic. What if they find out? Will they all leave me again? Will I lose Tommy and Mitchel for good?

"Le-leave me alone" I stutter, I turn around to see Monte. "Pl-please move"

"Adam, do you need a doctor? You look ill." Monte asked.

"Sit down, Adam." Neil spoke softly, touching my shoulder, I turned around, throwing a punch at him.

"Don't fucking touch me." I spoke in shaky voice, Dad helped Neil up. Hayley went to see Tommy. "I'm going to be a horrible father" I cry, falling to my knees.

"You'll make an amazing Dad, don't you worry about that" Neil spoke, helping me up,

"I'm having some sort of withdrawl, Neil, I need help" I cry, turning around and walking away from them all.


"Where did he go?" I ask quietly so I don't wake Mitchel. "Fuck!"

"Neil and Monte have gone to find him, we all don't know how he was after Zoe's death, he could of turned to drugs, we don't know." Eber spoke.

"It's my fault, I didn't want to speak to him.." I cry.

"Tommy, babe, it's not your fault. Adam is a sensitive person, Zoe's death took a toll on him, no body should ever make the decision to cut the life support of their daughter, I know that I would be distraught if I had to do that to Ashley." Hayley spoke. I wipe a tear from my eye.

"He thinks he isn't a fit father for Mitchel, he flipped out, punched Neil for touching his shoulder."

"I hope they find him. I miss him." I sigh. Hayley holds me gently.

Adam let the tears spill as he swallowed the small round pill. He felt his body calm down after it went down. He smiled softly.

"Why don't you just leave?" The voices spoke.

"Tommy will be fine raising a kid on his own."

"Little Mitchel doesn't even know who you are."

Adam shook off the bad thoughts, lifting his arm, he hasn't touched a blade to his skin for two months. He was proud of himself, but he turned to drugs.... He turned to drugs, it gave him such a thrill more than blood did... But he needed to stop, for Tommy, for his brand new family...

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