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"My worst fear and nightmares always comes ture"

"My worst fear and nightmares always comes ture"

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*Chapter one*


On a snowy night, its Christmas time which is a good sign as known for a new beginning, but somehow I have a bad feeling about going out on a family gathering tonight and thats not my usual
"Hazel, aren't you dressed yet?" Mom asked, entering the room.

"You haven't dressed yet! You know your father will be angry," Mom shouted from behind as she entered the room. I didn't look at her as I replied.

"Mom, I told you I don't want to go anywhere today," I said, still looking out the window. She sighed in disappointment and approached me.

"Are you still thinking about that dream, zee?" she asked, patting my shoulder. I looked at her blankly because I'm not sure if the dream is the reason for my feelings.

"Zee, I told you before that this was just a dream and everything is going to be okay don't ruin this new beginning honey, hmm" Mom said smiling at me trying to comfort me.
I made an effort to curve my lips into a smile as I uttered the words,

"I hope so." After bidding her farewell, I made my way to my derssing room to prepare for the occasion, Despite my best efforts, my mind was still consumed by incessant overthinking about that dream. Now, as we prepared to embark on our journey, I found myself hesitating to step out of the house. Nevertheless, I realized that I had no other option as we were already seated in the car, en route to the Christmas festival for which we had received an invitation. Seeking to alleviate my apprehension, my mother reassured me that everything would turn out fine. With her words echoing in my mind, I resolved to maintain a positive outlook.

An hour later, we arrived at the festival, completely unaware of how far it actually was. The place looks different and much bigger than I had imagined. Since it's Christmas time, it's bustling with people, and the vibrant red and green colors are visible everywhere. There are so many exciting things to see and do.
I cannot help but notice the radiant happiness that emanates from my little brother, Mabel. It is truly a sight to behold, and I find that his joyous demeanor has a profound effect on my own spirits. In fact, it is enough to instill within me a sense of cheerfulness that I had not anticipated.

My younger brother expressed his desire to venture off and indulge in the vast array of games at the park. Aware that I may not find it as enjoyable, they kindly suggested, "Dear, what do you think about taking a stroll around? You may not enjoy entering this park rigth," I nodded at her with a little smile. Cause she is right, I may not enjoy this, so I go for a walk.

As I continued my stroll, I found myself completely unaware of my destination. However, I couldn't help but revel in the joy of observing the people around me. It was truly a remarkable sight. Amidst my enjoyment, something peculiar caught my attention in the corner
- a small tent of sorts. I couldn't quite decipher its purpose, but its oddity piqued my curiosity. Intrigued, I made the decision to investigate further and uncover its secrets.

Stepping inside, I was greeted by a gentle glow that illuminated the space, revealing a group of women seated in a circle,They appear rather eerie and peculiar, and I must admit, I'm not quite sure what they're up to. There's an undeniable aura of witchcraft surrounding them, and it seems as though I've stumbled upon the wrong gathering. At that moment, it dawned on me that the women's eyes were fixed on me.

Nervousness began to creep in, and I found myself at a loss for what to do. In an attempt to break the tension, I nervously waved my hands and mustered a hesitant "Hi." However, to my dismay, no one responded, making the situation even more awkward.

Embarrassment washed over me, and I seriously contemplated making a swift exit from this peculiar place. Just as I turned to leave, a woman called out my name. I froze in my tracks, utterly shocked that she knew who I was. I turned to face her, and she had a rather enigmatic expression on her face.

Terrified, I stammered, "Do you... do you know me?"

With a mysterious gaze, she replied, "You are Hazel, the fated girl," She let out a mischievous laugh.

"What...are you...talking about? What on earth does this 'fated person' mean?" I find myself hesitating, utterly clueless as to what she is referring to, and more importantly, how she seems to know me so well.

"Ah, my dear, do not mistake this for a mere hellish situation. It is, in fact, a matter of fate. And if you dare to doubt my words, rest assured that your faith in destiny shall never be betrayed," she declares, her voice
brimming with unwavering certainty she extended her hand towards me

In that moment, I wished I could transform into a nimble rat and scurry away as fast as my little legs could carry me. However, despite my fear, my curiosity got the better of me, so I cautiously reached out and gave her my hand.

The woman smirked at me, her eyes filled with an enigmatic gleam, and she firmly grasped my hand.

"Hmm, my dear, your life seems to be rather short-lived," she said, causing me to gulp nervously.

"Only If you don't learn to embrace your gift, Hazel. You must be prepared to receive your special gift on your 18th birthday. Otherwise, you may meet an unfortunate fate," the eerie woman spoke, her smile sending shivers down my spine. I had no clue what she was referring to, and in that moment, I think I may have even had a little accident.

"You are going to experience the loss of someone you hold dear," she continued, as I quickly pulled my hand away and turned to flee. I could hear her voice trailing behind me,

"Ah take care of the car ride, darling," cautioning me about my upcoming car ride. However, I paid no attention to her words and sprinted away as fast as my legs could carry me. Suddenly, I collided with someone.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" I blurted out, still in a state of panic, as I continued running.

I gave my parents a call, and to my relief, they were already in the car. I hurriedly ran towards them and hopped into the car, expressing my urgent desire to go home as quickly as possible. They were concerned and asked me what was wrong, but I was insistent on returning home.

During the journey back, my mind was consumed with thoughts about the unsettling words of that eerie woman. I couldn't fathom what she meant by a "gift" and why she claimed I would meet my demise if I didn't accept it. Unfortunately, I couldn't recall the exact words she had spoken,Suddenly, my father exclaimed in distress that he couldn't slow down the car and had lost control. My brother, Mabel, burst into tears, while my mother did her best to ensure our safety.
My father, risking his own life, desperately tried to save us.And then, it hit me. I finally remembered the last sentence the woman had uttered:

"Ah, take care of your car  ride,darling,"
Just as this realization dawned on me, I didn't think so much cause we collided with another vehicle, and everything went black.

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