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◆Part one◆


*Chapter nine*◆Devilsh pov◆

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*Chapter nine*
◆Devilsh pov◆

"What on earth have you done?you were about to kill the girl?" Ceberus exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief and anger. He watched as she busied herself, tending to the wound on her neck.

"And now you're worried about the girl Ceberus?Really?huh!" She laughed,

"Do you think I've forgotten what she did to you, Ceberus?" she taunted, a smirk playing on her lips as she observed her reflection in the mirror. His anger flared in response.

"No, I haven't forgotten either. And I aslo didn't forget about what Avey did to you," he retorted, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. Her smile vanished, replaced by a determined expression as she tossed the towel aside, its purpose of staunching the bleeding from his neck now fulfilled. She locked eyes with him, her anger palpable.

"Don't toy with my fury, my dear. You won't find it to be a pleasant experience," she warned, her voice dripping with intensity as she drew closer to his face. And yet, he couldn't help but smile.

"You can't possibly do this to me, Suzy. I am the only one capable of granting your deepest desires," he declared confidently, his voice laced with a hint of arrogance.

"Then allow me to rid the world of her," she proposed, the fiery determination for Hazel burning brightly in her eyes.

"Suzy, you know perfectly that I don't care about the girl you know well what I want from her," he paused, his voice lowering.
She locked eyes with him, her gaze filled with fury.

"I know, I know. And you promised that once you get what you want, I can do as I please," she said, her voice laced with a hint of menace.

"I just hope this doesn't take too long. Because if I see her again, I can't guarantee that I'll be able to control my urge to kill her," she said, a smirk playing on her lips as she turned and walked away.

"You wouldn't dare, " he muttered, his voice filled with a mix of fear and uncertainty. She rolled her eyes

"Now tell me what is your plan," Ceberus inquired, his gaze fixed upon Suzy as she stood before the mirror. Suzy took a moment to compose herself, inhaling deeply to steady her nerves.

"These particular plans, my dear, are not meant to be uttered aloud," she declared, a mischievous glint in her eye.
"Instead, I invite you to witness firsthand the brilliance of my actions." A melodious laughter escaped her lips, and Ceberus couldn't help but join in, captivated by her unwavering confidence.

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