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*Chapter six*

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*Chapter six*


We are standing in front of the red old house, the moon casting an eerie glow upon its worn facade.

It is now the stroke of midnight, a time when most would be fast asleep, but I managed to convince my parents that I would be out enjoying a night of revelry with my friends. I must commend them for their efforts to help me break free from this melancholic state that has befallen us all. The recent events that unfolded were far from ideal, but we must learn to accept them and move forward. My brother, may he rest in peace, surely resides in a better place now. However, what perplexes me is how this mysterious woman came to possess knowledge of his untimely death? It is this very question that drives me to embark on this late-night escapade.
Why was it me who was chosen to uncover the truth? What makes this book so special? These thoughts have consumed my mind throughout the entire day, and they continue to swirl within me even now.

"Wow! I never imagined that there would come a day when I would find myself here,huh!" Ezlyn said cutting my thoughts off, I Curiosity looked at him and I inquire,

"Have you never been here before?" He meets my gaze, a hint of trepidation in his eyes, and replies,

"No, this is my first time. No one has ever dared to venture into this place." I cannot help but raise an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me? No one has ever dared to come here?" I retort, placing my hands firmly on my hips.

"This is the truth," he declared, his voice filled with a sense of awe and trepidation. "No one has ever dared to venture into this place before, not even the esteemed King of Zariya himself." I gazed at him, my eyes wide with disbelief.

"The King of Zariya? Is there a king in Zariya? who might that be?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued. Uncertain of whether we had indeed arrived in Zariya, as there was no visible evidence of civilization in the vicinity, I couldn't help but question the authenticity of his claim.

However, the desolate isolation of the area seemed to suggest otherwise. He hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting around nervously.
"I cannot disclose that information at this moment. We are on a mission, and I shall reveal everything in due time. But for now, let us enter the house, before we attract unwanted attention," he urged, his words laced with a sense of urgency.

It was evident that he was concealing something from me, perhaps to protect me from potential danger or to avoid his own capture. I acquiesced, heeding his advice, and together we stepped into the dimly lit house. The interior was shrouded in darkness, with a pervasive color scheme of red and black dominating the space.
"Thats why people of Zariya named it the red house then huh! Wow!," I exclaimed "Everything is red here for real," I said smiling and my eyes scanning the place in an attempt to comprehend the crimson hue that enveloped everything. Sensing my confusion, he met my gaze, his expression frozen for a brief moment. I glanced behind me, half-expecting to find something amiss, but there was nothing out of the ordinary.
"Why do you regard me with such intensity?" I inquired, my voice tinged with a hint of unease. He shook his head, dismissing my concern, and averted his gaze, as if searching for something else to divert his attention.

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