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I find myself comfortably seated in the car, though I am uncertain of the exact moment when we embarked on this journey. However, the road that stretches alongside us exudes an unmistakable aura of Christmas cheer.

"Hazel, look at my toy it's beautiful," my little brother, Mabel, exclaims with uncontainable excitement. As I turn my gaze towards him, a wave of emotion washes over me, and tears well up in my eyes.

"Mabel?" I manage to utter, my voice
trembling with joy and longing. His radiant smile, directed towards me, is a sight I have sorely missed. Everything seems to be going well until my attention is abruptly drawn to a dark figure standing in the middle of the road. The car hurtles forward at an alarming speed, and panic sets in.

"Dad, please stop the car! Dad, stop!"
I implore, my pleas falling on deaf ears. Yet, in that moment of despair, my brother reaches out and grasps my trembling hands. However, his eyes, once filled with life, are now vacant.

"It is solely because of you, Hazel. Every single thing that has transpired, every consequence that has unfolded, it all traces back to youuuu," he whispers, his words penetrating deep into the core of my being. As his declaration hangs in the air, tears cascade down my face, unable to fathom the weight of his words.

"Every life that has been extinguished, every soul that has already departed from this realm, it is all a direct result of your actions," he continues, his voice filled with a momentary pause, allowing his words to sink in. "Look at the devastation you have wrought upon Zariya, the utter chaos that now reigns supreme, all because of you."

In that moment, I find myself incapable of offering a response, for the car we are in has already become entangled with other vehicles. However, before the chaos consumes us completely, my last glimpse reveals a city turned completely upside-down, a visual testament to the havoc that has been unleashed.

"Endless Nightmares"

*Chapter seven*

I found myself unable to sleep last night, plagued by the same recurring dream that haunted me before the accident. It baffles me to this day why he would utter those words. Each time this dream replays in my mind, I can't help but wonder what actions of mine could have caused This damage to Zariya?
The weight of these thoughts consumes me, driving me to the brink of madness. It was at that moment when I became aware of my father's voice, breaking through the haze of my contemplation.

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