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"Let the Journey begin"

*Chapter five*


We continued our journey through the dense forest, our footsteps echoing in the silence. The path ahead was uncertain, but I couldn't help but question why this fate had chosen me? Amongst all these people, why was I the sole recipient of this mysterious occurrence? The answers eluded me, concealed within the depths of my mind, until now,It became clear that what had transpired during my coma was nothing short of a curse, a burden that no one would willingly bear. Reflecting upon the past, I couldn't help but ponder the alternate reality that would have unfolded had I not heeded my mother's advice that fateful night, forsaking the family gathering. Ignoring my dream, I ventured forth, oblivious to the impending consequences. Little did I know, the aftermath would be met with anything but joy. Lost in my thoughts, I failed to notice Ezlyn attempting to capture my attention. Interrupting my contemplation, he declared,

"We have arrived, this is the place." It was then that I finally registered our surroundings - a cemetery. A solemn finger pointed towards a grave,
He stood there, his finger extended, pointing towards the cemetery. This particular cemetery was unlike any I had ever seen before,It stood in isolation, detached from the rest of the world.
Intrigued, I took a step closer, my curiosity piqued. As I approached, I noticed a massive iron door, adorned with an imposing frame at the top. Engraved on the frame were the words,

"The grave of the loyal family of Zariya." I couldn't help but wonder, what is Zariya? I turned to face Ezlyn, who had placed his hands on his waist, and voiced my thoughts,

"Zariya? What is Zariya? The grave is incredibly peculiar," I remarked. He took a step towards me, letting out a sigh before responding,

"This is the final resting place of Zariya citizens." I narrowed my eyes at him, a hint of skepticism in my voice,

"Really? Do you think I am incapable of reading? Huh! But who exactly is Zariya?" He gazed at me for a moment, his eyes filled with a mix of sadness and nostalgia.

"Zariya is our city," he finally revealed.
"Have you finished your investigation now?" he asked, taking a step towards the door and opening it.

We entered, and what lay before us was a sight that shook me to my core. Countless graves dotted the landscape, as if this city had witnessed the demise of all its inhabitants. I couldn't comprehend the sheer number of deceased individuals. It was truly heart-wrenching.

♠︎ Book of legends and The Whispers Of Dead♠︎Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang