Peaky Blinders- Going Into Labour/Giving Birth Pt2

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You believed what Linda said when your labour starts. Finn of course panics not knowing what to do so instead rings a doctor thinking that you were dying
"Well I'd say baby won't be here for a while yet so get comfortable"
"But she's in so much pain. How can she stay like this?"
"I can give her some painkillers but that's about it. I will call a midwife to check on you Mrs Shelby in an hour" you nod your head thanking the doctor for coming out. Finn is still panicked while timing the contractions.
Many hours later your water breaks, but your still not ready to meet your baby.

It's not until the following day you finally give birth thanks to the help of a midwife
"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Shelby. A baby boy" the baby is placed in your arms and you instantly fall in love
"He looks like you when you were a baby" you say thinking back to a photo that Polly has of the whole family.

Walking around the ward Micheal runs in
"Are you ok?" he asks
"Am I ok? I'm in labour with twins"
"Ok yeah... erm why don't you sit? what did the doctors say?" Micheal guides you to the bed and helps you sit down
"Both babies are fine. They have strong heartbeats and they are the right way. He said everything right now is looking good, but if I can't give birth naturally then they will do a caesarean"
"Ok so everything things ok then"

Of course Micheal says that and things start to go south. You ended up having the operation and when you wake up Micheal is by your side in a second
"The babies?" you manage to mutter out
"They're healthy. A boy and girl"
"A boy and girl?" you smile
"Yes. Now get some sleep and when your feeling up to it you can see them" you shake your head
"No I want to now"
"Ok. Just take it easy yeah" Micheal helps you sit up then you notice the large bassinet. Micheal bends down and picks up one of the babies and places them in your arms before taking the other to hold for himself
"How long have we got to hold them until your mum arrives?"
"A couple hours"
"Ok. I'll sleep then and so can you. Polly can watch them for us. Have some grandchildren grand parent bonding time"

9 months of bed rest came to an end the moment you went into labour. Your worries for loosing the baby turned to worry of having a still born
"Mrs Jesus everything is ok. Baby is still alive" the midwife tells you listing to the heartbeat "but I need you to push" nodding your head you take Isaiah's hand and squeeze it tightly to encourage you.

Finally you gave birth and her cries were music to your ears
"She's ok" you cry with relief
"She is. She's very strong. Congratulations both"
"Thank you" Isaiah says not looking at the midwife. All his attention is on the baby wrapped up in a blanket in your arms "our little miracle" he bends down and kisses her forehead settling the little baby instantly.
That day and night neither of you slept. You just watched the baby sleep peacefully in her bassinet.

Polly arrived as soon as you had entered your final month. You could see Alfie getting annoyed so you did anything you could think of to induce yourself into labour. You ate dates, walked everyday, drank herbal tea but nothing worked. That was until you had heard someone say that sex worked, of course Alfie wanted to try that and that night you went into labour
"Oh thank you" Alfie breathes out when your water had broken after you'd had you 2nd orgasm of the night
"As if that worked" you shake your head
"Right, I guess I'll get your aunt. Wish me look"
"Good luck" you chuckle watching him leave the room.

After a day of slow labour you finally gave birth to a son. Poll and Alfie argue over having the baby christened or not while you just stare at the tiny bundle in your arms.

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