Frisk's confession

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Frisk's speech: (After everyone was in papyruses room she took a deep breath and..spilled it all out) "I'm the one that's been messing with the timelines I have to ability to reset. I wasn't doing it intentionally but chara manipulated me and took control I did 50 genocide routes the reason you guys can't remember anything is because sans is the only one who can remember. I think he's getting nightmares of the genocide routes because sometimes when I sleepover at this house I can hear him whimpering at night. He's the royal judge and he didn't have a choice or say because he didn't want to disappoint my father asgore. He's heard the cries of pain form all of you sometimes he has breakdowns because every time he looks at all of us he just can see how we all died. He's highly depressed I've noticed that some of his clothes have blood stains mostly near the sleeves and sometimes on his legs. He feels guilty for not successfully killing me and chara to stop you all sans he..I don't know how much time we have left until something bad happens. Look I'm really sorry it wasn't in my control "

Frisk pov: I look around to see everyone except undyne on the verge of tears. " killed us 50 times punk?" "I'm sorry it wasn't my decision." I felt arms wrap around my mom started crying and asgore announced something "We all must help sans from here on out we take extra precautions on what he does every day until we find a solution and frisk...we won't and never will blame you we will always be at your side no matter what happens we stick together." "I have a plan to help my brother I talk to him tomorrow everyone can wait outside his door in case anything goes wrong." "Ah, what a lovely idea papyrus I think it'll work just fine." "Why thank you ms.toriel!" They all separated from the hug and one by one they all left the house mom and dad both took me to our new house on the surface it was a 3 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms 1 kitchen and a dining room with a mini living room on the side it's also 2 story! "Frisk dear, I wish you would've told us sooner we could've helped sooner!" "I'm sorry mama" *sigh* "It's alright my child now go upstairs me and your father must take about what to do tomorrow. "Ok!" I ran to my room jumped on my bed and dozed off knowing what I had just done.

Word count:462

Welp, now everyone knows they all care so much for sans let's see how they help them shall we?

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