Therapy day 2

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No on pov:Sans had fallen asleep thru an entire day because of how tired he was. But fortunately for him today is his second therapy session! It seems he has finally accepted going to therapy after all.

Papyrus pov: I can't believe that sans had slept thru an entire day! Just when was the last time he had a proper nap? I mustn't worry now he has therapy today! I must wake him up! *papyrus runs up the stairs and opens sans room* " today is another therapy session you must wake up!" "Alright alright I'm up I'm coming just give me a second to get ready." "Good now don't fall asleep again once your done come right downstairs!" I gave him a quick hug before running down the stairs and opened the door to the outside of our house and in the garage was my red car...I always cleaned it and made sure there were no scratches now if only I could find my keys, wait did I leave them in the house?! *10 minutes later papyrus found his keys and sans hopped in the car and they drove off* "Sans are you ready for your second day in therapy? I bet emily is waiting for you!" "I bet she is bro, how much longer until we get there?" "About 5 minutes!" The road is quite empty today usually there are so many humans and cars! *A few minutes later they have finally reached the building* "We are here brother! Now before we enter do you remember what to say to emily?" "Yeah yeah, I'll show her the cuts *sans lifts up his sleeve*." "Don't be afraid to call me if you get uncomfortable ok?" "Sounds good bro goodbye!" *They both hugged before leaving each other* I hope today goes well for you sans....

(Meanwhile in emily's office)

emily pov(short): "Emily! Come to the front desk immediately!" "COMING!" I hope I'm not late is sans here? *A few minutes of running she finally reached the front desk.* "Ah, there you are emily! Sans is here for his 2nd session!" "Hello again sans!" *No response* "Okayyyy follow me I will be asking you a few more questions alright?" (End of pov)

Emily- so how are you feeling?

Sans-I'm tired

Emily- did you get enough sleep?

Sans- I've had nightmares about the same thing over and over again!

Emily- And what are these nightmares about?

Sans- Remember what I said about the different routes?

Emily- Did you dream about genocide?

Sans- bingo also papyrus asked me to show you something!

Emily- and that is?

No one pov- Sans lifts up his sleeves to show bruises and cute over his arm.


Sans- If you're wondering how much are there I would say about....76?

Emily- sans, when did you start?

Sans- I don't remember

Emily- ok, may i touch your arm please?

Sans- alright I'm coming.

No one pov- Sans walks up to emily holding his hand out. After a few seconds of waiting emily starts to examine it.

Emily- these look like chainsaw cuts,sans you need to stop doing this it's not good for you!

Sans-Me and my brother have already cleaned out my room and removed all knives or potential harm.

Emily- well that's a step forward now let's see if I can bandage it up.

Sans- it really doesn't need to bandaged these cuts aren't even that new.

Emily- I used to be a doctor and I have studied all about bones! Your bone marrow will slowly start to deplete if I don't bandage it up! Now hold still

No one pov- Emily starts to bandage sans arm while making sure not to hurt him.

Emily- There done! Now don't move it to much otherwise it will fall off ok?

Sans- Alright emily I'll keep your word.

Emily- Thank you I think we're done for today do you want me to call your brother?

Sans- Yes!

Emily- *chuckle* alright let me grab the phone.

Emily- Hi is this papyrus?

Papyrus- Yes that is me hi emily!

Emily- your brother is done with his session if you don't mind can you come get him? And before I even finished my sentence he hung up....oh well sans your brother is on his way!

(A few minutes later a red car was honking)

Sans- That must be him bye emily!

Emily- Bye sans! Be careful with that arm!

Sans- I will!

(Sans had hopped into the car with his brother and drove off.

Papyrus-So sans, did you tell her?

Sans- yep she even banged my arm so I can't move it much....

Papyrus- That's alright brother! As long as you heal I'm happy!

Sans- if that's what makes you happy....

Word count-812
This was really rushed sorry if this is cringe or confusing!

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