Talk to me brother...

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Papyrus pov: Today is the day I finally tell sans that I know everything I just want him to feel happiness. Before I went into his room I made sure everyone was in the living room ready for what's about to happen next. "Papyrus tell him I said I would meet him downstairs." "Alright human frisk I the great papyrus will go help my brother!" I ran back up the stairs and took a deep breath before opening sans door slowly.... "Bro? Do you need somethin?" "Sans we need to talk..." "Sure bro what about?" I took a deep breath and said what I had practiced the night before "Frisk told us about the resets and the genocide routes and how she was possessed to kill every and you watched us die....50 times." "I..." (Sans starts sobbing his eyes out and papyrus fan to his side and stated hugging him meanwhile frisk was outside their door listening to the cries of pain and guilt.) "Shh it's alright brother none of this is your fault we're safe now I promise." Sans had a coughing fit after crying for what seemed like hours. "Do you need anything brother?" He voice sounded broken but I managed to hear that he wanted water. "Human can you go get water for sans?" *Frisk gave a determined nod and within a few minutes she came back with a cup of water.* "Here you go sans." "T..thanks" "Oh sans, I wish you could've told us sooner I just want to help you let me in sans I want to heal the most hidden wounds in your soul." He didn't reply but after a few minutes he said something "ok bro.." The exhaustion must've token over him because all I could hear after was the sound of quiet snores and I few hiccups. I tucked him in and sat down on the edge of his bed "Human please go inform the others on what has happened. Frisk nodded and ran downstairs I could hear the chatted of several voices all talking at once *sigh* what an I going to do with you sans I didn't think this through what now? "U..uhm papyrus? S..sorry to b..bother but I have come up with a c..c.onclusion I suggest sending sans to therapy maybe send him overseas he needs help we need a therapist. "If you say so..." Toriel walked in the room on the verge of tears she walked up to sans and felt his skull "Oh dear..he's burning up! My child can you go get a wet towel and a bowl?" "Yes mom"
(Few minutes later) "Here you go mama!" "Thank you frisk can you go downstairs with your father?" *frisk gives a nod and goes back downstairs.* "Is it true..about what alphys said about sans needing therapy?" "I'm afraid must have been so painful for sans hearing the screams in his head constantly." "There wasn't anything we could've done but frisk had promised not to reset humans have accepted us for who we are I think it's safe for sans to go to therapy." I will go schedule an appointment immediately! I ran out of the room and into the city.

A few hours later

Sans pov: "Ow my head..huh? Tori what are you doing here?" My mind was in a haze I felt something on my head I touched it. "Sans your had quite the breakdown my friend are you alright?" It then hit me, papyrus knows everyone knows of god...this is a mess (tears start to from and a few escape trickling down his cheekbones.) "Sans please listen to me everything is fine no one is hurt your going to be fine I will go get your brother stay here I will be back." I nodded slowly before closing my eyes just wanting to disappear. I felt a hand on my forehead I opened my eyes to see who it was it was papyrus and toriel. "Nice to see you bro..." "Sans I know this may come off as a surprise and the others have decided to send you to therapy you need it and we want you to get better." For the first time I felt boiling rage was I mad at my brother? No I was mad at myself  "I DONT WANNA GO TO FUCKING THERAPY!" "SANS PLEASE CALM DOWN ITS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD IT WILL HELP YOU BROTHER!" *sob* *hic* "Bro I'm sorry I didn't mean to-." "It's alright sans you don't have to understand right now I'm not mad at you I'm only sending you there so you can get help." "F..f.ine..." "Good! Your first day starts tomorrow now rest up we have a busy day ahead of us!" Papyrus and toriel left the room. They think I'm crazy I don't need no therapist but if it makes my brother happy then I'll do it for his sake and the kids happiness.

Word count: 853

This book will have long chapters as you can tell 😅

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