First day in therapy

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Sans pov:*stretch* What day is it today again? Oh right....therapy ugh out of all the conclusions they could've made they chose therapy. "SANS ARE YOU AWAKE?" "Yes bro..." "COME DOWNSTAIRS QUICKLY YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES! I put on my usual outfit except I changed the pink slippers into regular shoes and walked slowly down the stairs not wanting to go. "THERE YOU ARE BROTHER EAT YOUR BREAKFAST AND GET IN THE CAR AFTERWARDS!" "Alright bro.." "Brother I'll be in the car waiting." After a few minutes I finished eating up my plate. I opened the door, ah the surface I've seen it so many times I got out of my thoughts when I heard a car honk I ran to the red car that my brother owned go in the backseat looking outside the window as papyrus was driving me to therapy.(20 Minutes later the 2 brothers have finally arrived at the therapy center) "Well here we are brother....let's go inside we must not waste time!" I looked inside the walls were white the roof was gray there were some green couches near the walls, a counter with books right next to it and finally the register desk. "COME ON BROTHER LETS WAIT IN LINE!" "Papyrus do you know what my therapist name is?" "Her name is Emily sans and she's here to help you you just have to answer some questions for her!" We were in line for a few more minutes till we reached the desk where a lady was standing with a clipboard is she the therapist? "Hello there which therapist are you assigned?" "I believe her name is Emily?" "Ah yes let me go call her." The woman then picked up a microphone and went on the intercom and said "May Emily jones please come to the front desk?" A few minutes later there was a woman with black hair and blue eyes I guess this is who my therapist is? She then walked up to me and my brother "Why hello there which one of you is sans?" "that would be my brother miss Emily." "Ah,I see very well follow me I will do my best to help you in any way I can! I hugged my brother goodbye before running off following Emily.

Papyrus pov(short): I hope my brother gets better soon I know therapy was a big jump for him but I believe he can do it! They said to pick him up at 6:00 it's 3:05 I better head home and tell the others the good news.

Emily pov: Oh boy I'm so excited this will be the very first monster that I will care for! His name is sans and based off on what I've heard from his brother he's had memories stuck in his head I think it was called a reset? I don't know but watching your brother die 50 times must be painful to watch I guess that's the reason he's here. I opened the door to a room my room "Can you sit down for me?" "Sure" "Ok so what's your relationship with the human your brother told me about?" "Depends on what route we're in." "Routes?" Now this was new...."Yeah there's pacifist,neutral, and genocide...." "Can you tell me how each of these routes affect you?" "Let's start off with neutral. This route is when the kid only kills 1 or 2 monsters after that she returns to the surface and based on who she killed I give her a voicemail every time." Fascinating this route doesn't seem that painful for him. "Can you tell me about the pacifist route? Sounds interesting." "Pacifist route is the one were in right now the kid saves everyone and we live up here but this route seems to be lasting longer." "And lastly, genocide.....this route is where the human kills everyone and deletes the world she done that process about 50 times in a row?" "How long has this been going on for?" "I can't remember.... Sorry I don't know." "That's fine I think we're down with questions for today wait here I'll be right back." How do I help this poor skeleton? Ok I need to see what I wrote down and see if I can figure out a way to help him but first let me call his brother. (Emily starts to dial papyrus's number) "HELLO THERE WHO IS THIS?" "This is Emily and I believe you are sans brother correct?" "THAT WOULD BE ME." "Great! Your brother is done for the day if you could come and get him it would be appreciated." "ON MY WAY." I hung up the phone and went back to the room "Sans your brother is on his way to come and get you your session is down for the day come back again Wednesday by the time I should have something to help you." "Alright just don't tell anyone about resets especially humans" "We don't share information from our clients to others so dont worry this is between you and me. (Few minutes later papyrus arrives.) "Bye sans!" "See ya soon Emily...." *sigh* poor thing I need to ask this human some questions if I can see her someday.

Word count:886

Therapy day 1: complete

The truth (undertale)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora