Party In Thailand

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Chimon P.O.V

Its a Friday night I'm getting ready for night out Pluem my husband and his brothers and their boyfriends and plus other people I hope tonight goes well because everytime we go out something bad always happens, its either us fighting someone ,or someone spilling drinks on one of us. Here is an example the last time we all went out this drunk ass old man trying to /*11touch to me in places I don't being touched not even Pluem can touch me there unless I allow him too but thats all you migh think that me and Pluem have sex all the time but to be honest that's not true at all. We only do it on special occusions like birthday. Most people think is wrong that we don't it all the time but I don't care at all what they think or say about out sex life Pluem and I came to an agreement long time ego that what they say won't bother us whatsoever. Pluem and I were shooked when Frank and Drake announced that they got married when Frank told everyone about this secret that none of us knew about it believe vme is was a shook to all of us Pluem thought the reason why they got married was because of the baby Frank and Drake were going to have but since Frank aborted the child they still got married which was a huge mistake but clearly Frank didn't care we also didn't know that they were both living together this was kinda of a shooker to most of us but Uncle Tay took everything to heart.

( Party Time)

Its almost time for the party and I 'm feeling little overwhelmed like I had to check everything at least 4 times I hope this party goes smoothly but I know it might not. But hey I can still dream right. After what seem forever people started to show up an to be honest I have no idea if Pluem told his parents anything about the party. This is my first time throwing a party which to me feels good that I can do this cause something like this at parents would be a problem for all of us, I'm also glad I get to this is my house or whatever. Knowing this family is crazy and insane I have no idea what to expect okey okay maybe I do know what I'd expect from them if you know who mine are uncles by now so this going to wrong in so many ways. Here are the problems that I know will come to play one Frank hasn't told his parents about the abortion, two Gulf had tell everyone the truth about his marriage with Mew and third how Win isn't going to college all of this is going to be bad.Pluem wasn't sure about this party in the first place but I've told him everything will be okey and that nothing bad is going to happen but to be honest I wasn't sure either I'm just hopeful that this party goes will eventho I know what to except.

(End of Chimon"s P.O.V


Pluem's P.O.V

I woke up this morning with a loud bang like some

one is hammering something I checkede the time it was 11:40am I guess Chimon got up early to get things ready for tonight I told that I would help but he knew that I was tired that he didn't wanna wake me up. Which is good I love him so much but sometimes I'd wish he asks for help my parents are coming over tonight for the party the thing that bothers me is the fact that Frank might tell them is other secret tonight just like Win and Gulf will but I have no idea how Win's parents are going to react about Win not going to college but anyway just like Chimon explained to you all how our families I can't believe that my little brother Nanon forgot what today is and that Frank and Win might not show up which sucks to be honest with you but I get it though that're afraid of their parents with good reason for my parents is my daddy Tay is very strict just like P'Off and Singto. So yeah this party might go totally bad or very good I just heard from Win that Frank and him might not show up which is not good at all I feel like ever since Fiat moved out with Aun aka Napat Frank has been not going to school, lying, coming home late, many others things. Here is the thing everyone is getting more concerned like ever before the only people the knows the real reason why Frank is acting like this but like this is too much even for me and I'm his brother I want to help him but won't let me Mew and Aun has talked too him so many times I've lost count. He really doesn't care anymore about us but to be honest with you Win was supposed to make sure that Frank doesn't those things anymore but I guess we were all wrong is like. Win was supposed talk to him out off things that were bad.

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