~A Path Beyond Stars: Allegiances~

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~A Path Beyond Stars~


Stonestar - black tom with green eyes

[Deputy]: Fernfeather - light brown she-cat with fern-green eyes
Apprentice: Stripedpaw

[Medicine Cats]: Crookedfire - gray tom with crooked orange stripes
Russetfire - a small red-brown she-cat with green-blue eyes

[Warriors] (toms and she-cats without kits):

Mossgaze - dark brown tom with dark green eyes

Whiteshine - a black-blue she-cat with white spots and blue eyes

Spidertail - black tom with amber eyes

Swiftflight - tortoiseshell she-cat

Tigerfur - a large, dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes and darker brown stripes

Voleroach - light brown she-cat with lavender eyes

Redpelt - dark ginger tom with yellow eyes

Windcaller - an unusual gray tom with strange blue eyes

Iris-Eye - a light brown she-cat with lavender eyes
Apprentice: Darkpaw

Reedtail - black she-cat with long reed-like tail

Ashpelt - light gray tabby tom

Whitestripe - light gray tabby she-cat

Spiraltail - an odd blue-gray she-cat with yellow eyes

Flameclaw - large ginger tom with fiery fur


Darkpaw - brown tabby tom

Stripedpaw - brown tabby she-cat

[Queens] (she-cat expecting or nursing kits):

Daisypelt - light golden she-cat with blue eyes

Specklefern - a light tortoiseshell she-cat with dark gray spots along her muzzle and back

Fuzzyear - dark gray she-cat with blue eyes
(Mother to Windcaller's kits, Brackenkit, Frostkit and Coldkit)

Willowleaf - a light gray she-cat with amber eyes
(Mother to Spidertail's kits, Echokit, Amberkit and Ivykit)

[Elders] (Retired warriors and queens):

Rockhopper - large gray tom

Beeflower - a kind, old brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes

Buzzardstar - a black and white tom, currently in hiding


Webstar - a pure white tom, unofficial leader

[Deputy]: Owlfeather - dark ginger she-cat, unofficial deputy
Apprentice: Blackpaw

[Medicine Cat]: Heatherpelt - oddly coloured she-cat with brown eyes
Apprentice: Crowpaw


Sorrelfeather - a light brown-gold she-cat with dark amber eyes
Apprentice: Mudpaw

Singedtail - white tom with yellow eyes and a black tail

Sootember - light gray tom with green eyes

Pebbleclaw - white she-cat with gray stripes
Apprentice: Frogpaw

Crabclaw - bulky brown tom with green eyes


Runningstar - light gray she-cat

[Deputy]: Ferngaze - light brown tom with leaf-green eyes

[Medicine Cat]: Kestrelwind - black she-cat with amber eyes
Apprentice: Fishpaw


Streamfur - gray she-cat with blue eyes

Pebblesoot - light gray tabby tom

Stonegaze - light gray she-cat


Woodstar - a strong tabby tom

[Deputy]: Dawnclaw - a golden she-cat with blue eyes

[Medicine Cat]: Frozenwind - white she-cat
Apprentice: Penguinpaw


Blizzardfoot - gray tom with pure white paws


Half-Sight - old black-gray tom, partially blind, formerly of ThunderClan

Horizon - brown and white she-cat with dark amber eyes

Mantis - an odd-yellow tom with green eyes

Frog - a dirty yellow-green tom with dark green eyes and brown spots

Fluffy - a fuzzy dark gray she-cat, kittypet

Spots - a small black she-cat with large white spots on her fur, kittypet

Jackson - a young brown tom with amber eyes, lives with Horizon

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