~A Path Beyond Stars: Prologue~

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Spiraltail shook her head and looked around the dark space.
A cool breeze swept through her fur, making her shiver in the darkness.
"Grayfur!" she called, though she didn't know why. "Grayfur! Snow!"
Suddenly, a cloud of mist came from her right, allowing her mother to walk up to her and rest her tail on Spiraltail's shoulder.
"Where's Snow?" Spiraltail asked.
"She is alive," Grayfur assured her daughter. "Worry not, young warrior. She is safe."
"Do you know where WindClan is? Woodstar and the others are in danger, I must help them!"
Grayfur shook her head. "You are not meant to be the one to bring back WindClan. That destiny lies in the paws of another."
"What about that prophecy I heard?" Spiraltail inquired. She knew none of this meant a thing, as she was only dreaming.
Or was she?
"A path that is not yours to follow," Grayfur said. "Do not worry. You will find your path. Keep an eye on your kin."
"Darkkit and Stripedkit will be fine," Spiraltail said.
"They are not who I meant," Grayfur said. "I mean my father. He will fall if you and your siblings do not protect him. He is important, and must stay alive."
Spiraltail's brain ticked endlessly until she finally realised.
"Rockhopper?" Spiraltail gasped, and Grayfur nodded.
"Watch your kin and your friend, Spiraltail. I will watch over you."
Grayfur disappeared in a cloud of mist, and Spiraltail jumped forward.
"Grayfur! Wait, come back!"
No response. Only the distant swaying of leaves and the wind howling as she was lifted from her dream and dropped back down into darkness.

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