~A Path Beyond Stars: Chapter 22~

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The warriors had finished the rest of yesterday. Now, everything in camp was still wet from last night and the rain had stopped. The break in the storm promised prey for the day, and it was time to talk to Fernfeather before every other warrior woke up.
"Wake up, you two," Reedtail whispered, poking Ashpelt and Spiraltail. "It's just before dawn. Fernfeather should be awake."
Ashpelt growled and rolled back over, his tail twitching. Spiraltail sat up and blinked a few times as though she had just seen something.
Once Ashpelt had finally decided to get up, Reedtail led the way to the Medicine Den, where Fernfeather usually waited in the early mornings.
This time, Fernfeather sat outside on the rock where moss usually hung, the rock where Reedkit had hidden in the memory. The deputy turned her head and peered into the Medicine Den, sighed, then sat down again with her head on her paws.
"Fernfeather?" Reedtail said, making the deputy jump.
"Hello, you three," Fernfeather said, sitting up and curling her tail around her paws. "You're up early."
"We wanted to talk to you," Spiraltail said. Fernfeather nodded and they went to the spare den.
"What's on your mind?" Fernfeather asked the three warriors. Ashpelt glanced sideways at Reedtail and moved back to let her speak first.
"Remember the battle with Half-Sight?" Reedtail said hesitantly. Fernfeather flicked her ear and gave a very slight nod.
"We wanted to ask if you knew why Half-Sight did what he did."
Fernfeather growled. "Half-Sight is a traitor. Why would you need to know more?"
"I remember hearing Silver-Eye and Russetwhisker talking about something to do with him the night before they died-" Reedtail began, but was cut off by a sharp hiss from Fernfeather.
"Show her, Spiraltail," Ashpelt said before Fernfeather could protest against Reedtail's claims.
Fernfeather stared in confusion and curiosity at Spiraltail.
Spiraltail took a deep breath and sat down, closing her eyes. Fernfeather went still and stood staring straight ahead.
"I thought she needed permission to show other cats' memories," Reedtail whispered.
"She only needs permission to see other cats' memories," Ashpelt huffed. "She can show them memories easily. I'm guessing Snow didn't even need to ask to see anyone else's memories."
"Where is Snow?"
"Dead, most likely," Ashpelt grumbled. "Though, I don't want to sound too much like you."
"I liked Snow," Reedtail protested. "You're still angry because of what I said about Stonestar?"
"Trust is earned. You clearly have no trust to give, and obviously no sympathy."
"Is sympathy the new solution to the missing members of WindClan and RiverClan?" Reedtail countered.
Ashpelt growled and left the den. Reedtail saw him hover around the fresh-kill pile until Fernfeather and Spiraltail were finished.
Fernfeather blinked rapidly while Spiraltail backed away, her tail curled.
The deputy looked at Reedtail curiously. "I suppose it's a good thing you were watching," she said slowly. "Then we wouldn't know that Silver-Eye truly was in the wrong. Russetwhisker though... She didn't deserve her death."
"Half-Sight is still dangerous," Reedtail said. "But Pineear- I mean, Silver-Eye, he seemed worse. He could've tried to kill Spidertail or Redpelt."
Fernfeather winced at the mention of Redpelt. "Well, I thank you for the information. Hmm..."
"There's still the matter of ShadowClan," Reedtail said, voicing Fernfeather's own thoughts. "We still don't know what they're up to, and whether or not Half-Sight truly is involved with ShadowClan."
"Indeed," said Fernfeather. "Never mind it then," she said finally. "We'll deal with them when it's time. Until then," she said, her voice dropping to a whisper, "I want you to do something. Reedtail, are you busy?"
"Oh. Er, no, not that I know of."
"In that case, come with me." Fernfeather led her out of the den and over to the fresh-kill pile. Spiraltail beckoned to Ashpelt and he walked back into the warriors' den with her.
"I want you to take Whitestripe and another warrior with you to spy on ShadowClan," Fernfeather whispered as soon as the others were out of earshot.
"Spy?" Reedtail breathed. "Surely you wouldn't stoop so low as to spy on another Clan!"
Fernfeather flicked her tail as a warning to keep her voice down. "I'm not keen on the idea either," said the deputy quietly, "but we've no other choice. If they're planning something, we need to know what."
"Just because you think it's necessary doesn't mean it's right," Reedtail snapped. Fernfeather's face remained the same.
"StarClan has already sent a sickness to Stonestar and Ivykit," Fernfeather began. "If we don't find out what's happening, we may not survive. We have to be prepared."
Reedtail growled and finally sighed. "Fine," she said. "I'll take Whitestripe and Flameclaw, but not now. I'll wait for a few days before we leave."
"As long as you go," Fernfeather said, sitting up and walking out of the den. Reedtail sat in the spare den for a moment. Fernfeather had never suggested spying as a solution for anything. Either the worry of the oncoming deaths was being thrown at her or Redpelt's death had already worried her.

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