~A Path Beyond Stars: Epilogue~

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Brightfire was curled up on her nest, sleeping peacefully alongside her brothers and sisters.
It was the night after she had been made a warrior. She had been so excited, and she knew her mother had been, too.
But something had felt off ever since she sat vigil. If it wasn't the feeling of someone trying to attack, it was the feeling of an attack.
She woke up to the sound of rain falling down heavily on the leaves that covered the warriors' den. Making sure not to wake Jupiter, she got up and padded to sit beneath the sheltering leaves, gazing up at the bright crescent moon.
A sharp pain surged through her head at that moment and she crouched with her eyes shut.
She groaned unpleasantly, waiting and hoping the pain would subside, but it stayed longer than she wanted it to.
She saw a picture flash through her mind of an old black cat, an old tom that looked similar to Reedstar.
Her older brother, Gecko, ran forward and made an attempt at calming her down.
"What's wrong?" Gecko asked. "What did you see?"
"The past," Brightfire said through gritted teeth. Her head throbbed. "I think it's... one of the old leaders."
"What's happening?" Gecko prodded.
Finally, the pain released its grip from her mind. She gasped, glad to be able to breathe again.
"Gecko," Brightfire said slowly. "The cat I saw from the past, Reedstar's father... I think he just died in the past."

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